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Diskusi 3 EFL Curriculum and Materials Development

   Please discuss:

• What are the components of a syllabus?

• Why is each component important to develop a syllabus?

Jawaban 1:

          Basically, the syllabus serves three purposes: a contract, a permanent record, and a resource for student learning (Parkes and Harris, 2002). Referring to a contract, this regulates the teachers to perform attitude in line with the set policy. Meanwhile, a permanent record deals with aspects of being responsible in running the duties well and being able to systematically assess for merit, worth, significance based on the standard criteria. Here, composing syllabus is to answer "what to learn?” and needs elaborating in the main points of one subject derived from competency standards and basic competencies that have been established in details of learning activities and strategies, activities and strategies, assessment, and time allocation. Owing to its importance, a syllabus must at least consist of basic information (identity), learning objectives/ goal, course content, student responsibility, and grading method (Harvard University, 2022).
          Each component has its own function and interrelates for each other. Firstly, basic information gives complete identity to answer who the official institution, teachers as the educational agent, students as the target of treatment, name of the course/ lesson are as well as time allocation needed to finish the program. Then, learning objectives/ goal leads the teachers to make the programs come true. Here, type of knowledge and abilities that must be achieved by the students becomes emphasis. Therefore, the ways and the reasons of the course organized in a particular sequence is elaborated as well here. Next, course content deals with complete information of schedule, outline, meeting dates and holidays, major topics and sub-topics preferably with rationale for inclusion. Afterwards, student responsibility must be included because this gives cocurricular activities in the form of particulars and rationale for homework, projects, quizzes, exams, reading requirements, participation, due dates, etc. Likewise, policies on lateness, missed work, extra credit, etc must be included as well. Lastly, grading method is intended to elaborate clear, explicit statement of assessment process and measurements.
          All components aforementioned above must systematically be actualized so as the maximum results can be obtained. For this reason, evaluation and monitoring system must accompany the syllabus in its real administration at schools.

Additional reason:

All of which aforementioned related to the component of a syllabus above is not only to gives the ideal structure leading to 'what to teach and how to teach', but also to signify the implication of well-planned teaching learning process towards desirable results in terms of skill, attitude, knowledge. In this case, basic information challenges the teacher:
(a) to actualize characteristics of the course/ subject and the students which finally build and develop the students’ capacity in four language skills to the utmost and time allocation which strategically require the teacher’s capacity of mastering learning theories and its entire professional conduct in referential best practices timely;
(b) to consistently run and monitor the whole learning process beginning from the basic step to the final one and consequently heading to optimum achievement;
(c) to professionally select and sequence among time schedule, outline of activities, and instructional materials with means of learning media needed as the stimulus, positive response, and reinforcement;
(d) to test and evaluate in details in terms of skill, attitude, knowledge wholly in order to generate meaningful interpretation towards learning program and cocurricular activities as well as follow-up appropriate decision oriented to the learning goal and objectives.
Considering the result of constructing a syllabus, the teacher may then make analysis based on SWOT technique for which corverge the teacher’s and the students’ capacity as well as other supporting factors so as all of which included in a syllabus are always under guideline and assessment.


Harvard University. 2022. Syllabus Design. https://bokcenter.harvard.edu/syllabus-design

Parkes, J. and Harris, M. 2002. The Purposes of a Syllabus. College Teaching, 50(2), 55-61.

Jawaban 2:

These are components of a course’s syllabus and their functions:
1. Course Description
It describes the course's place in the program, how it benefits the students, and its content. A course description is generally written to help students decide if the course is one they want or need to take

2. Student Learning Outcomes
List of knowledge, abilities, and competencies that are expected to be acquired as part of the course learning outcomes. It allows the students to know how the course will help them learn.

3. Assignments / Exams
Indicate how each of the course's academic requirements—including the kinds of assignments, tests, examinations, papers, projects, homework, quizzes, exhibits, and presentations that students will have to complete in order to accomplish the desired learning outcomes. They describe how each assignment affects the overall course grade and indicate the dates that these conditions must be met or that assignments are due.

4. Grading
State the grading guidelines, including the importance assigned to all of the assignments and tests stated in the schedule, teamwork, and class participation. Make a note of the distribution of grades and how the final grade is determined. Set clear expectations for returning graded work and specify when and how students will receive feedback on their work. Grading lets the students know how their work will be scored, then students will be more aware of how to do an assessment or test well.

5. Teaching Methods and Materials
Describing the kind of educational activities that will take place to assist students in achieving specific learning objectives and the methods that will be used to facilitate interactions, such as group projects, conversations, interactive lectures, and blogs. Furthermore, it can demonstrate the types of interactions that will take place, as well as how each student will be held accountable for their learning. List all mandatory books, study materials, teaching aids, and equipment. In this part, the students will be able to know activities during the class, what they need to do and some tools or books they need to have.


Altman & Cashin. (1992). Writing a syllabus. IDEA Paper No. 27. Kansas State University. Grunert O’Brien, J., Millis, B., & Cohen, M. (2008). (Second edition). The course syllabus. A learningcentered approach. San Francisco: Jossey Bass.

Jawaban 3:

• What are the components of a syllabus?
According to Soepriyatna (2017: 3.1- 3.28), one of the functions of a syllabus is to provide students with information about the course structure. To work effectively, a syllabus must have components that give broad course information, learning outcomes, and objectives. A syllabus also lists the needed textbooks and compulsory readings for the student.
The components of a syllabus constitute a unified unit. The first component is the needs assessment, goals, and objectives. The second is instructional resources and media. The third component is the teaching-learning process. The last component is assessment.

• Why is each component important to develop a syllabus?
1. Need Assessment, goals, and objectives
Need Assessment
When developing a syllabus, the first thing that should be done is a needs analysis. It is possible to determine both the current and the desired condition by conducting a need assessment. The needs assessment findings will serve as the foundation for formulating goals and specifying objectives.
A goal is a purpose or aim of a program that is desirable and within reach, and it is based on how the participants in the program see their own linguistic and situational demands. The goal is important because it becomes the bases for specifying objectives.
An objective is a defined statement that describes certain information, behavior, and abilities that the students will be expected to know or accomplish by the time the unit is completed. Every worthy goal should have three parts: performance, condition, and criteria. The first is performance. It is related to how well students perform some skills. The next is condition. It is a quality or level of acceptable performance. The last is criteria. It is the specified parameters within which the desired outcome is achieved.

2. Instructional Material and Media
Developing instructional materials and media may be done in three ways: evaluating, adapting, and writing. Many instructional materials and media are available. Each has its own approach, but course objectives and objectives are always the most important references. Teachers should select one that aligns with the course's goals and objectives. Next, material adaptation may assume several forms and characteristics. It begins by examining how well the present material matches the course objectives and goals. In writing materials from scratch, specific steps must be taken to ensure that the materials created will meet the program's aims and objectives.

3. Teaching learning activities
Teaching learning activities are regarded as the application of the defined syllabus. Teachers are the most crucial component of this deployment. In this manner, teachers should be supported in performing their duties. There are several ways in which teachers might be supported. First, by introducing the teachers to the course, next by providing them with administrative and curricular assistance, and finally by monitoring them.
Orientation will provide teachers with the initial information they must know. In this procedure, teachers are supported so that they can execute the syllabus without interruption. To monitor the teacher's execution of the syllabus, administrative, peer, and self-observation can be done.

4. Assessment
The results of an assessment might give a teacher information about how their students are progressing. After some time has passed, this information will become an essential input for syllabus designers, who will use it to assess the syllabus and enhance it so it may be used in the future. This indicates that assessment is a source of information used to evaluate a course. The planning of creating assessments must be in the process of designing a syllabus. There are many different kinds of assessments. The purpose of the assessment determines the type of test that is administered. This suggests that establishing your objective will be the first step in deciding the tests appropriate for your purposes. When conducting an assessment, it is essential to have a precise aim.

Soepriyatna. 2019. EFL Curriculum and Materials Development. Tangerang Selatan, Banten: Universitas Terbuka.

Jawaban 4:

Please discuss:
• What are the components of a syllabus?
Syllabus is designed and made to help teachers do their teaching. A syllabus can function well if it provides general information about the course, learning outcomes, and objectives and it facilitate students to get certain textbooks and reading material. The purposes of a syllabus are as follow:
- To inform the students about the course design
- Let the students know about the outline of the course, what is taught and how to teach.
Components of syllabus are :
- Need analysis
To diagnose the present situation and what need to be fulfilled.
- Goals
General statement about the purpose of the program based on the language and present situation.

- Objectives
Specific aims to reach about what the designer expects to be known or acquired at the end of the course.
- Instructional materials
- Media
- Teaching learning process
- Assessment

Need analysis, goals and objectives are the first steps to be discussed in making a syllabus. Then teaching materials and media are the second step, the third is teaching learning process and the last is assessment.
• Why is each component important to develop a syllabus?
Each component is very important to develop a syllabus because it can not be separated each other, so it is a whole package that is relating to one another.The components are a complex whole which includes need analysis and assessment. So, they are an integral part of the syllabus. The components may lead the syllabus to be meaningful and credible.

Jawaban 5:

A syllabus is a learning plan for a particular subject and/or group of subjects/themes that includes competency standards, basic competencies, subject/learning materials, learning activities, indicators, assessments, time allocation, and learning resources/materials/tools.
The syllabus is an elaboration of competency standards and basic competencies into subject matter/learning, learning activities, and indicators of competency achievement for assessment.
Components of the syllabus and the function of each component:
1. Competency Standards
It is a standardized set of competencies and must be achieved by students as a result of their learning in each educational unit (SKL). Used to guide the translation of basic competencies into learning experiences.
2. Basic Competence
Basic competence is the minimum ability in each subject that must be achieved by students. The basic competence in the syllabus serves to direct the teacher regarding the targets to be achieved in learning.
3. Main Materials/Learning
The subject matter is the subject matter that must be studied by students as a means of achieving basic competencies and which will be assessed using an assessment instrument that is based on learning achievement indicators.
4. Learning Activities
Learning activities are the general form or pattern of learning activities to be carried out. Learning strategies include face-to-face and non-face-to-face activities.
5. Indicator
Indicators are markers of achievement of basic competencies which are marked by measurable changes in behavior that include attitudes, knowledge, and skills. Indicators are used as the basis for developing assessment tools.
6. Rating
Assessment tools can be in the form of tests and non-tests. In learning the assessment is carried out to examine the achievement of Basic Competencies and Indicators in each subject.
7. Time Allocation
Determination of time allocation for each basic competency is based on the number of effective weeks and time allocation of subjects per week by considering the number of basic competencies, breadth, depth, level of difficulty, and level of importance of basic competencies.
8. Learning Resources
Learning resources are references, objects and/or materials used for learning activities. Learning resources can be in the form of print and electronic media, resource persons, as well as the physical, natural, social, and cultural environment. Determination of learning resources is based on competency standards and basic competencies as well as subject/learning materials, learning activities, and indicators of competency achievement.

Jawaban 6:

As we know that one of the purposes of a syllabus is to inform the students about the course design. In addition, the components of syllabus are discussed in four different learning activities. The first discussion is on need analysis, goals, and objectives. The second learning activity is on teaching materials and media. The third is teaching learning process. The last is assessment.
Each component really important to develop a syllabus because in every components of syllabus has their strength to develop and make the teaching learning process being wonderful and also meaningful, Lets we discuss from teaching learning process, I think that it is really important because when we develop our teaching learning being fun and more understanding without pressure it can help teachers to reach the goals and the objectives of teaching learning. Our students will be happy when they learn, we can use subconscious teaching learning by adding some games which is related with the teaching materials. because if we being creative teacher, so the teaching learning will be excited and meaningful. For example in that syllabus the students should understand about describing someone, we can develop the learning materials by using media such us interesting video, then we also can use authentic materials by describing our friends in the classroom then we also can ask then for playing black and cat games in the outside classroom to asking and answering about describing, If we can add these to our learning materials and also can be applied in teaching process.

Thankyou in advance

Jawaban 7:

According to Cambridge Advanced Learners’ Dictionary, Syllabus is a list of the subjects that are included in a course of study. It is an essential tool for teachers in terms of preparing to conduct their class.

1. The components of Syllabus are:
- Learning objectives : the objective of learning the material that must be achieved by the students. The outcome that students are expected to at the end of the teaching and learning process in terms of comprehension and skill that the students must have after learning the materials. An instructional objective is defined as specific statements that describe particular knowledge, behaviors, and/or skills that the students will be expected to know or perform at the end of a course or program. (Brown, 1995).
- Goal/Rationale : Goal is a general statement concerning desirable and attainable program purposes and aims based on perceived language and situation needs of the participants in the program (Brown, 1995).
- Basic Information : The topic of the chapter that is learning.
- Course Content : The essential materials that the students are going to learn in that chapter.
- Students Responsibilities : A number of activities that students must do in learning the materials by the guidance of the teacher.
- Grading method : The assessment used to check the students’ comprehension. Assessment is to check if the objectives are achieved.
- Materials and Access : All sources that can be the reference of learning materials that students can study and access. Material is “any systematic description of the techniques and exercises to be used in classroom teaching” (Brown, 1995, p. 139)
- Teaching Philosophy : All good things the students have learned must have a philosophy or deep meaning that is able to improve their quality as human being.

2. Each component is important to develop a syllabus because every single component is essential and has their own role which can complete each other. The syllabus like a system that cannot leave any part of them. So, it can never be complete and perfect without them all in one.

Thank you..

Jawaban 8:

A syllabus contains information about the course design. Moreover, a syllabus is a “road map” that provides general information, learning outcomes, and objectives of the course. The syllabus helps both teacher and students to keep them on the “vivid and right track”. According to Tokatli & Yesli (2008), a syllabus is a piece of a written document that states what students should learn in a particular subject. It contains not only the knowledge to be gained but also the way to meet what students’ desired. Moreover, a syllabus also can be a teacher’s device for communicating the expectation and overall plan of action for the course. Furthermore, Tokatli & Yesli (2008) adds that a good syllabus is carefully planned and written as the most important and valuable resource. A good syllabus also prevents students from misunderstanding the course. The syllabus has seven components which are Needs assessment, goals, objectives, instructional material, media, and assessment.

Each component is important to develop a syllabus since it is related to one another as a unit. Every component holds its role in creating a complete syllabus. there are five steps in designing a syllabus which is conducting a needs assessment, formulating goals and objectives, evaluating instructional materials, planning teaching-learning activities, and developing an assessment.

first, a syllabus designer (teacher) will conduct a needs assessment. Needs Assessment is important to consider whom to teach, what to teach, and how to teach. A needs assessment can be collected by conducting a student’s needs analysis. After running the students’ need analysis teacher will have real data about students’ language proficiency, situation, and condition. Needs assessment is important to make sure that the material, content, and way of teaching are appropriate and suitable for the students

second, a syllabus designer will set/formulate the goals of the course. Goals are important as a purpose of the program based on language and situation that need to be perceived. the formulation of the goal should convince that the purposes are reachable and desirable. moreover, goals also may be adjusted to changes to keep up with the new desire/purpose of the class. goals consist of what students need to master/be able to do when they complete the program. last, goals are based on specific objectives. In other words, goals are general meanwhile objectives are specific.

third, after formulating the goals a syllabus designer will set the objectives. objectives are important because it contains the statement that describes certain behaviors, skills, or knowledge to know at the end of the program. objectives should be specific, measurable, and clear.

fourth, a syllabus designer will be evaluating the instructional material and media. materials and media are important because it has a systematic description of exercises and technique that will be used in the course. as we know, the material can be in a form of books, video, or even cassette. material is an input that will be practiced and received by the students.

fifth, a syllabus designer will plan teaching-learning activities. this is important because, in this component, the teacher will implement the step of the syllabus. teaching-learning activities including exercises and techniques should be compatible with the course objectives that have already been specified. so the teaching-learning process will be appropriate to achieve the objectives and goals at the end of the teaching process. in brief, the syllabus is designed to help a teacher do his/her teaching.

last, after doing all the components above such as formulating goals and specified objectives, materials were developed and teaching learning activities were described. a syllabus designer will develop an assessment. assessment is important because in this component a syllabus designer will check if the objectives and goals are achieved or not. in these components, the teacher will check students' progress, reinforce students' learning and evaluate the teaching-learning process.

References :
Tokatlia, A and Yesli, K. 2008. Syllabus: How Much Does It Contribute To The Effective Communication With The Students. Istanbul, Turkey: Yeditepe University.
Soepriyatna. 2019. EFL Curriculum and Materials Development. Tangerang Selatan, Banten: Universitas Terbuka.

Jawaban 9:

The following components are the points that is must be take to account, in order successfully in designing the syllabus framework:
main subject in the need analysis is student,since by need analysis ,the teacher will be able to consider the student’s capacity,ability,needs,aptitude,motivation and the social’s orientation will be figure out by need analysis.The Consequency is ,the learning process should be set up based on the student’s needs and the teacher should be sensitive to the student and their needs(Schmits,2000,p.136)
Goal is a general statements concerning desirable and attainable program purpose and aim based on perceived language and situation needs(J.D Brown,p.71).He also states,goal is what the students should able to do when they leave the program.Formulating the goal will help the syllabus designer builds what are going to teach.It makes the teaching purposeful because what the teacher do in the class is related to the overall purpose,the components that will be covered and what the leaner will be perform.The goals should be flexible to change ,if they are not appropriate.The verb that are often used in goals are understand,know,learn,graps,perspective,and etc.Course goals often originate in the course description and should be written before developing learning objectives.
Some instructors tend to forget to write learning objectives from the students’ perspective. Mager (1997) contends that when you write objectives, you should indicate what the learner is supposed to be able to do and not what you, the instructor, want to accomplish. Also, avoid using fuzzy phrases such as “to understand,” “to appreciate,” “to internalize,” and “to know,” which are not measurable or observable. These types of words can lead to student misinterpretation and misunderstanding of what you want them to do. Learning Objectives are different from goals in that objectives are narrow, discrete intentions of student performance, whereas goals articulate a global statement of intent. Objectives are measurable and observable, while goals are not.Learning objective will help the teacher to develop the lesson, help to determines the lesson appropriately,evaluate the students performance,and etc.On the other hand,well-stated objectives clearly tell the student what they must do by following a specified degree or standard of acceptable performance and under what conditions the performance will take place. In other words, when properly written, objectives will tell your learners exactly what you expect them to do and how you will be able to recognize when they have accomplished the task.
4. Instuctional objective and media.
Instructional objectives can be thought of as the "tools" to achieve the stated goals. Instructional objectives are also called behavioral or learning objectives. According to Faize and Dahan (2011) instructional materials are print and non-print items that are designed to impact information to students in the educational process. Instructional materials
include items such as prints, textbooks, magazines, newspapers, slides, pictures, workbooks,
electronic media, among others. Instructional materials are essential tools in learning every subject.They allow the students to interact with words, symbols and ideas in ways that develop their abilities in reading, listening, solving, viewing, thinking, speaking, writing, using media and technology.

5.Teaching learning activities
One of the teacher's fundamental task is get students to engage in learning activities that are likely to result in achieving outcomes. It is helpful to remember that what the student does is actually more important than what the teacher does. (Schuell, 1986, p.429).
It is equally important that each activity is meaningful, and ensures student development and advancement through the unit. Activities should build on previous activities and avoid being repetitive, they should enable students to engage with and develop their skills, knowledge and understandings in different ways. Meaningful activities engage students in active, constructive, intentional, authentic, and cooperative ways.
Useful learning activities are ones where the student is able to take what they have learnt from engaging with the activity and use it in another context, or for another purpose. For example, students are able to directly apply the skills or knowledge they acquired to an assessment task, or to the next activity.
The term assessment refers to the wide variety of methods or tools that teachers use to evaluate, measure, and document the academic readiness, learning progress, skill acquisition, or educational needs of students.Giving assessment is a must for teachers.Applying this syllabus component will be very helpful in tracking students’ strength , weakness and progress as well,planning the next step,motivate the students,and evaluate the teaching learning process.

Jawaban 10:

The syllabus is general information about the course. It is a document that outlines all the essential information about a course It includes the following components. They are
The goal is a general statement concerning desirable and attainable program purposes and aims based on the perceived language and situation needs of the participants (Brown, 1995). It is very important because the teacher and the students must remember the goals as the target of the course.

Learning Objectives / Instructional Objective
It contains information on what students will gain or take away from the course. Brown (1995) stated that an instructional objective is a specific statement that describes particular knowledge, behaviors, and /or skills that the students will be expected to know or perform at the end of the course or program. Instructional objectives give information to every meeting so that the students will prepare for the study that they should achieve. goals. It states every goal of the meeting.

3. Course Content / Material / Media
Material and media are the components of the syllabus. Materials are any systematic description of the techniques and exercises to be used in the classroom. They are books, videos, stories, pictures, etc. The course content or instructional material is also an important part of the syllabus. The teacher and the students will try to find the relevant material for the instructional objective.
4. Teaching and learning activities.
Teaching and learning activities are techniques and exercise to achieve instructional objectives. The information on teaching and learning is a very important component of the syllabus. It helps the students to know what they will do in the course.
5. Assessment
Assessment is an important component of the syllabus. It is the last part of the syllabus to check whether the goal and the objective have already been achieved or not.

Jawaban 11:

1. The syllabus is a set of lesson plans and assessments that are arranged systematically. In general, the syllabus includes Core Competencies (KI), Basic Competencies (KD), indicators, learning materials, and learning activities. The following are the components that must be included in the syllabus.
a. Subject identity, contains the name of the subject taught by the teacher.
b. School identity, including the name of the education unit and class taught by the teacher.
c. Core Competencies (KI), namely the achievement of competency standards in aspects of attitudes, knowledge, and skills.
d. Basic Competence (KD), contains specific abilities in aspects of attitudes, knowledge, and skills.
e. Competency Achievement Indicators, namely measurements that show the achievement of certain basic competencies in the assessment of subjects.
f. Main Materials, contain facts, concepts, principles, procedures, which are relevant to class conditions and are written in the form of points in accordance with the formulation of competency achievement indicators.
g. Learning Activities, namely the process of activities in the classroom to determine the achievement of the expected competencies.
h. Assessment, is the process of collecting and processing information to determine the achievement of learning outcomes. Assessment tools can be in the form of tests and non-tests in written or oral form.
i. Time allocation, namely the determination of the time allocation for each basic competency, is made according to the number of effective week hours of lessons for each semester.
j. Learning resources can be in the form of books, print and electronic media, natural surroundings or other relevant learning resources.

2. Each component of the syllabus is important to develop because the components in the syllabus will be interrelated to achieve mastery of basic competencies. The syllabus component can be used as a guide in preparing student books. The student book contains the subject matter, student activities, and learning evaluation. In addition, the syllabus component becomes a reference in preparing lesson plans, managing learning activities and developing assessments of learning outcomes. The results of the development of the Syllabus component in the form of learning tools serve as a tool for operationally actualizing the curriculum at the education unit level, making it easier for teachers to carry out learning.

Thank you, Ibu

Jawaban 12:

Developing a syllabus requires some aspects to consider to fulfill the standard of a good syllabus. Soepriyatna mentioned, " to function well, syllabus basically has components that provide general information about the course, learning outcomes and objective. " (2016: 3.1). He also mentioned that it also includes textbooks, required readings that students should explore, the structure to organize the course and how teaching-learning activities will be conducted and the last component, assessment. Each of those components is essential since each has its stand on why one writes in the syllabus. Here each is being elaborated below:

1. Need analysis: techniques and procedures are used to collect information about the students, their situation, and why they want to do the English course. This component is essential because it can show the specification of students' needs. What Richard et al. l say, cited by Brown, about how to seek specification is the need analysis should consider the situation where the language will be being used, the aim of the language needed, the kinds of communication that will be used, and the level of language abilities that will be required. (1995: 189).

2. Goals: general statement about the desirable and attainable program purposes and aims taken from comprehended language and situation needs of the participant in the program. (Brown, 1995). Goals are essential since they take roles as statements of the purpose of the course based on the language and situation needs that the designer sees.

3. Objectives: Brown said these instructional objectives contain specific statements describing specific knowledge, behavior, and skills that the learners will be expected to know or perform at the end of the course. (Brown: 1995)
From Brown's point of view, we can conclude that objectives are essential components since they show details of what students achieve at the end of the course.

4. Material: as Brown said, " material is any systematic description of the techniques and exercises to be used in classroom teaching" (1995: 139). Material is essential as it is used by the learners most of the time, which means the inputs - learners receive and practice in the classroom.

5. Teaching learning activities: procedures and exercises selected to achieve the objectives so that their activities should be based on the specific course objectives and aim at helping teachers attain them.

6 Assessment: The next critical component measures whether the goals have been achieved. There are three top reasons why we need to assess. Based on Soepriyatna, assessing means checking the students' progress, reinforcing the students learning, and evaluating the teaching/ learning process.

All in all, those six components have functions in each stand and are vital. If one is missed, the standard of a good syllabus will not be reached fully.

Soepriyatna. 2019. EFL Curriculum and Materials Development. Tangerang Selatan, Banten: Universitas Terbuka.
Brown, J. D. 1995. The elements of language curriculum: A systematic approach to program development. Boston: Heinle & Heinley.

Thank you, Ibu

Jawaban 13:

     A syllabus is essentially a long-term learning plan on a specific subject group that includes standard competence, fundamental competence, primary or defect material, learning activities, indicators, assessments, time allocation, and resources or learning tools. A syllabus is required as a learning plan because the learning process in school takes place over a set period of time. In addition, the process of learning itself is a process that is mapped and arranged in such a manner according to certain measures in order to achieve the expected results and achieve basic competence effectively.
     A syllabus is the main product of the development of a curriculum as a written plan for an educational unit that must have difficulty with other curriculum development products, namely the learning process. The syllabus can be said to be an ideal curriculum (potential curriculum), while the learning process is the actual curriculum (real curriculum).
In the process of consolidating the syllabus, there are several main steps to be considered, as follows:

·       Standard Competency and Basic Competence. The standard of competence is basically the qualification of the minimum ability of students, describing the ruler of attitude, knowledge, and skills expected to be achieved at any level and/or semester for specific subjects.

·       Identifying learning Materials. Learning material is the principals of learning materials that should be learned by students to achieve basic competences and indicators. The type of material can be facts, concepts, principles, procedures, or skills.

·       Develop learning activities. Learning activity is basically a common form or pattern of activity that will be carried out in the learning process. This learning activity can be face-to-face or not face-to-face. Direct interaction between teachers and students in the form of discourse, answers, discussions, quizzes, and tests non-face activities, in the form of learning activities that are not the direct interaction of teachers (demonstrating, practicing, measuring, simulating, conducting experiments, applying, analyzing, finding, observing, researching, and reviewing), contextual learning activities, and life skills learning activities.

·       Formulating Competency Achievement Indicators. The indicator is the signing of basic competence, characterized by a measured change in behavior that includes attitudes, knowledge, and skills. Indicators are developed in accordance with the characteristics of educators, subjects, educational units, and regional potency and formulated in measured and/or operational verbs that can be observed.

·       Determination of Assessment Type. The assessment of the achievement of the basic competence of educators is performed based on indicators. The assessment is carried out by using tests and non-tests in written or oral forms, performance observations, attitude measurements, work assessments in the form of tasks, projects, and/or products, portfolio usage, and self-assessment. The assessment is a series of activities to obtain, analyze, and interpret data on the process and results of learning educators carried out in a systematic and sustainable manner, so it becomes meaningful information in decision-making.

·       Determining Time Allocation. The determination of time allocations at each basic competence is based on the number of effective weeks and the allocation of subject time per week, taking into account the amount of basic competence, dexterity, depth, difficulty level, and interest rate of the basic competence. The time allocated in the syllabus is an approximation of the time required to master the fundamental competencies required by diverse students.

·       Determining Learning Resources. Learning resources are referrals, objects, and/or materials used for learning activities, which are printed and electronic media, resource norms, as well as physical, natural, social, and cultural environments. The determination of learning resources is based on the standard of competence and basic competences as well as staple material, learning activities, and indicators of competence achievement.






Jawaban 14:

3.1 Components Syllabus

Relations with the curriculum in the form of another curriculum document is usually called a curriculum that is less than the curriculum guide. As stated by Mulyani Sumantri (1988: 97) that the curriculum only study areas or subjects covered, which must be informed in the course of a year or a semester. Usually at least Sautu curriculum following elements should include:

The purpose of the topics that will be taught
Sasaran - target persons
skills needed to mengausai these issues either
taught the order of topics
activity and learning resources to support the success of teaching
were used evaluation techniques
regarding detailed in the curriculum components proposal Nurhadi (04: 142) that the curriculum includes a description of the program:
1) taught subjects; 2) the level of school / madrasah, semester; 3) the classification of the basic competencies; 4) the subject; 5) indicators; 6) learning strategies 7) allocation of time; and 8) the material /alat/media.
The curriculum in 2013 corresponding Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia number 59 of 2014 on the curriculum 2013 high School / Madrasah Aliyah Article 8 "syllabus Article 1 (2) mentioned c is a lesson plan on a topic that covers the core competencies, basic skills, learning materials, learning activities, evaluation, allocation of time and resources Learn "

on the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia number 59 of 2014 in relation to curriculum 2013 high School / Madrasah Aliyah Article 9 .:
(1) curriculum curriculum 2013 school Aliyah / Madrasah Aliyah classified on:

curriculum common themes group A;
curriculum of the general subjects Group B; and
curriculum subjects specialization in the group C
(2) Syllabus General Subjects in group A referred to in paragraph (1) letter a developed by the government.

(3) Syllabus general topics of group B referred to in paragraph (1) letter b developed by the government and can be enriched with local content by local governments.

(4) Syllabus topics developed specialization in the group C, as described in paragraph (1) letter c referred by the government.

(5) Syllabus is used pursuant to paragraph (1) of educators as a reference in the creation of lesson plan.

(6) Syllabus High School / Madrasah Aliyah in accordance with paragraph (1) is contained in Annex II, which is an integral part of this Regulation.

Component Component curriculum Curriculum 2103 .:

a identity
written in any part of the identity of the subjects clearly the name of the subjects are, grades / madrasah, class and semester. With this information, the teacher will get clarity on the amount of penegtahuan prerequisite knowledge and karektersistik learners who are taught a lesson.

b. core competency
core competency is a translation or SKL operationalization in terms of quality education in the forming unit-specific or level of education, an overview of the most important skills that groups are for those who have completed (must have affective, cognitive and psychomotor) in aspects of the attitudes, knowledge and skills that students need to be learned in a school level, classes and subjects. Core competencies should describe the quality of the balance between the achievement of hard and soft skills.

core competencies to function as a member of the organization (organizational element) basic competence. As an organizer elements, core competence is a binder for the organization of vertical and horizontal organization of basic competence. Vertical organization is a link between the basic Competency Basic Competency contents of class or level of education degree / level, so that it complies with the principle of learning that there is a continuous accumulation of content is taught learners. horizontal organizations are the connections between the content-based competence of the themes with the content basic skills in various subjects of mutually reinforcing in the weekly meetings and the same class, such that a process.

competence of the core into four groups of related, ie in terms of religious attitudes (core competency 1), social attitudes (competency 2), knowledge (core competence 3) and application of knowledge (competency 4) designed. The fourth group was the reference of basic skills and should be developed in each case integrative learning. Competence to religious attitudes and social development related (indirect teaching) is indirect when the students have the knowledge (Competence Group 3) and the application of knowledge (skills Core Group 4) learn.

is the core competence not be taught, not stored, but are formed by a multi-stage learning process on a relevant topic, and as a guide for educators that these issues in the teaching there News of social and spiritual in the material. Each patient should be based on the realization and implementation of the core competencies that have been formulated.

c. competence standards
competence standards topics can be defined as "a statement of the knowledge, skills and attitudes that need to be addressed as well as the expected level of mastery in the work reaches a subject" (center for Civic Education, 1997). Competence standards is a framework that describes the basis for the development of a structured learning program. Competence standards issues as the ability of learners defined in:
1) do a task or a job in relation to specific issues
2) Organize measures to be able to work in certain subjects in the event of deviation from design all
4) Run might tasks
3) This the correct response to be implemented and related jobs situations on the subject in and under different conditions. set competence standards carefully and cautiously

should be done, because if each school / madrasah or group of schools / madrasah its own competence standards, irrespective of national standards to develop , the central government are the system lose the quality of school / madrasah to control. As a result, the quality of schools / madrasah will vary and are not comparable between the quality of schools / madrasah that the quality of school / madrasah other. Developers are translated from the basic skills competency standards. Developers curriculum it can take from content standards were from the central government (MONE)

d Competency
basic skills developed (Chamsiatin.: 08) is a must-have capability participant students in certain subjects. Competence dsar translated competence standards. Developers curriculum, each of the content standards retrieve bagitu created by the central government (kemediknas).

In Curriculum 2013 basic competence competence of each subject for each class of core competence. Basic competence is content and competence consists of attitudes, knowledge and skills are rooted in the core competencies that learners need to be mastered. develops competencies taking into account the characteristics of the learners, early ability as well as the characteristics of a subject. Topics as a source of content for the master competencies is open and not always organized discipline to highly oriented only on the philosophy of essentialism and perenialisme. Themes can be used as content organization that develops from different disciplines or disciplines that are progressive or humanism allowed by the philosophy of social reconstruction. As adopted in the curriculum philosophy is stated versatile as the basis of the philosophy of the names of topics and subject matter content of the curriculum that will be developed, but is not bound philosophy of essentialism and perenialisme to kaedah.

basic competence is formulated by the words of the operational work with, which is a verb, which is observed and measured, for example, compare to calculate, organize, , to produce.

e. Learning materials
Material Main are the subjects of learning materials to learn learners as a means to achieve kompeetnsi and Penialain compiled based the performance indicators of learning are measured with an instrument.

Identify appropriate learning materials to support the performance of KD. Identifying learning materials for learners should do some things to consider: (a) the potential of learners; (B) if there is any relevance to regional conditions; (C) the level of development of the physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual at that time owned by learners; (D) the benefits for learners; (E) the structure of Science; (F) timeliness, depth and breadth of learning materials; (G) if there is any relevance to the needs of learners and the requirements of the environment; and 
 the distribution of the time provided / available available.
perform for an analysis of learning materials needed informsi correct and detailed information on all aspects. The order of presentation of learning materials in learning or teaching for determining the order. If some learning materials have a relationship to be a requirement is difficult to learn for learners

After Reigeluth (1987: 98). Promotes learning materials, there are four types, namely:

Facts - the association between objects, events or symbols that exist or exist in the real environment or imagination can. Matrei Art fact is material in the form of place names, personal names, symbols, historical events, the names of the parts or components of an object, and so on
Concept - A group of objects or events or symbols that have the same general have properties and identified with the same name as the concept of man days late, heaven and hell. To understand the material in the form of concepts, definitions, content type init
principle -. The causal relationship between the terms. This type of material in the form of formulas, paradigms
method -. A sequence of steps to reach a goal, memcahkan particular problems or to create something. Content types, such methods do sesutau steps in the order in which to call steps.
The material to be identified, whether diararkan including facts, concepts, principles, methods, or a combination of more than one kind of material. By identifying the species studied Herus learners the teacher the facility have to do it. This is because, pembelajarn any type of material require strategies or methods to study media and evaluation system.
f. teaching and learning
Substance KBM Real is a learning experience of students. The learning experience (Chamistiatin: 08) has been developed to engage the process of mental and physical learners with colleagues, teachers and media sources and other learning environment for achieving the competency. to determine Utilization stratregi, approaches, models, methods, techniques and tactics very educational experience of learners. The things that need to be considered in the lecture can be reached rangakian learning activities sequentially basic competence to be hierarchical in the presentation of the theme, reflected in the activities of the learners.

Experience acquired learning performed by the holding intraksi between learners with learning resources both in the classroom and outside the classroom experiences in the classroom studying abroad. Forms of learning experiences in keals can be a study book, the results of the study, experiments in laboratory conducts, measuring the height of the objects using a kilometer practical work in the studio and so on.
The learning experience outside the classroom is done by visiting the object of study, which is outside of class. For example, carry out a wide observation of coastal plants compared with a variety of plants in the mountains for students who want to learn about the diversity of living things on the characteristics of habitats.
learning experiences, which must be written in the curriculum is an alternative activity or learning experience specifically to assist in the formulation of the description of the material, the learning, the mastery of basic skills was noted, is expected.

g review
reviews (Chansiatin: 08). If a range of activities for learners to acquire, analyze and interpret data, systematically and continuously, so that it is meaningful information in decision making. Types of bills can be used as follows:

1) Quiz
requests The shape of the filling short and the things that matter that principle. Usually this happens before the class starts, about 5-10 minutes. Quiz conducted Championship to determine learning on the learner. The level of thinking involved is the knowledge and understanding.

2) Questions Oral
The material in question is an understanding of the concepts, principles, or sentences. The level of thinking involved is the knowledge and understanding.

3) Deuteronomy Daily
Deuteronomy daily at regular intervals at the end performed a learning or two basic levels of competence involved thinking should understanding, application and analysis.

4) Deuteronomy block
Deuteronomy redundancy check is done by combining some basic skills at a time. The amount of the involved stopped from understanding to evaluation to think.

5) task individuals
task individuals may be added to the times, in particular in the form of creating excerpts, papers and the like. The level of thinking involved should an application analysis to synthesis and evaluation.

6) Task Group
The task of the group is used to assess the competence group work. Forms instruments used, of which a description of a free level high thinking is the application dapai evaluation.

7) The answer or Exam Practice
This form is used for items that are no events praktikumnya. Test can be carried out in response to the beginning of the training or after training. Trials conducted before practice aims willingness of learners perform laboratory practice or elsewhere to determine, during the test after training protocols to be done to improve the skills of the basic practices to determine that learners achieved.

8) Work Report Practice
is used this form for issues that are no events praktikumnya, students could be asked to observe a phenomenon and report it. Shape of the instrument can be namely and nontes categorized tests in two. Forms of test instruments include: multiple choice, objective description, description of the non-objective, short answer, matching, true-false performance (Performance) and the portfolio, while comprising shape nontes tools: interviews, inventories and observations. Teachers are expected to vary the instrument to use in order to obtain data about the performance of learners is accurate in all directions

Some devices tests that can be used, include:.

1) Multiple choice
may cover this form a lot article peskorannya goal, and can be easily corrected. The level of thinking involved, the knowledge level to the level of synthesis and analysis.

2) Description Target
Answer objective description is safe. Obejktif more appropriate description for the field of mathematics. Peskorannnya to be objective, it is necessary to scoring guidelines. The results of the assessment of a response sheet is the same, even if diperikasa by different people to be. The level of thinking, which can be up to a high degree is measured.

3) Description Nonobjektif / Description Free
Description bebeas characterized by their free answers. However, it should be clear criteria, to be made penailaiannya obektif. The level of thinking, which is measured can be high.

4) Short answer or filling brief
This form is used, the level of knowledge and understanding to determine learners. The test material could be many, but the level bepikir ceenderung measured low.

5) Matching
knowing these mold shape understanding of facts and concepts. Cover the material can be many, but the level of participating think its rather low.

6) power of
This form suitable for measuring the competence of the participants students in certain tasks, such as religious practices, the exercise or behavior in order to make others how to use the ability to phrase the image geometry.

7) Portfolio
, to determine the development of the learner performance, committed by the learners, a collection of works and evaluation of tasks. These works were selected and kemudain rated so that they can be seen the development of the ability of the learner.

h. time allocation
time here an estimate of how long the students to learn the material on the work the field or do in everyday life in the future, not the length of the learners was determined. Allocation of time must be considered in the development phase curriculum and lesson planning. it is the number of hours of face-to-value-to-face, is required.
The allocation of time on each basic competence is based on the number of weeks of the effective and time allocation of subjects per week based by the number of basic competence under consideration, width, depth, complexity and basic skill level of interest. a reference in the development of the curriculum is an annual program and the semester program.

i. Source / materials / Education
Source / materials is a reference, refernasi or literature used in the classroom. Resources learning is necessary to avoid the curriculum, kosnep to prepare error. Learning is defined as information that presented in various forms of media and stored, learners learn than can help the personification of the curriculum. Learning can reference books, object, subject, or the materials and tools for learning activities, print materials and electronics, speakers, events, environmental and other relevant.

include learning resources should be consistent with pembalajaran KD, indicators and targets.
to the source of the teaching and the choice of ingredients well, teachers must have the skills to analyze the contents of a book. These elements need to be analyzed, are two things pertma in terms of language and forms (readability, typography, display). Both convey regarding content or materials eg concept of truth, adequacy, timeliness, relevance to the competence and so on

a way to get the raw material to write namely by the to write the author's name, year of publication, book title (underlined or in italics), place of publication and the publisher's name. Material resources alphabetical order

List of source materials or libraries must be included as academic responsibility. What is written in the curriculum, is not an invention itself must be specified.

1. curriculum development approach
Chamsiatin (08) stated that, the development of the curriculum with the steps as follows done:

pump Identification
competence standards assessment
assessment of competence Basic
Identify Subject Matter
develop a learning experience
indicators formulating
determining the type rating
determining the timing
Specifies source / material / equipment study.

3.2 The grading system in English lesson will be exactly what is spelled out in the syllabus. It is important to know what the grading systems are so you know where you stand in your classes and what you have to do to get the grade you want in your classes. The syllabus is a guide to being a successful student in all your study. It will help you organize when homework, quizzes, and exams are so you can allow yourself enough time to get it all done. It also contains a policy statement on absence.
A syllabus is an outline and an overview of the entire content that a teacher has to teach. It includes detailed information about the subjects, the chapters to be taught, the assignments, tests, group or individual projects, written exams, the due dates, mode of instruction, and such.

A syllabus is an important and essential document that acts as a link between the overall alignment and the practical details English Learning process. As it is pre-planned, it influences the educator’s overall pedagogy and helps them in refining and planning them accordingly.

It also aids the students in getting the perfect overview of the aims and objectives their education institution is going for and also the outcome and strategies that the educator has adopted for assessing. The syllabus also helps the students to prepare themselves mentally for the term or semester, which actively improves their time management. Teachers prepare lesson plans based on the syllabus.
In other words all components in syllabus is supporting each others components. It is united, organized well in order to meet the perfect goal.

Jawaban 15:

A. What are the components of a syllabus?
Referring to Altman & Cashin (2003), a syllabus lets students know what the course is about, why the course is taught, where it is going, and what will be required for them to be successful in the course.
A syllabus should cover the whole program to undergo the learning journey.
There are important components to pay attention to when designing a syllabus. They are:
1. Conducting the Needs Analysis / NA
According to Richards (2001) NA is a set of techniques & procedure to be used to collect data about the learners, situations, and purposes why the students want to learn English.
A good syllabus should accommodate the needs of the students. By conducting the needs analysis before constructing the syllabus, it will be easier to put the demands into the leaning program. The information to be collected for NA is related to present situation and target situation.
2. Formulating the Goal and Learning/ Instructional Objectives
Referring to the NA, the goal and the objectives of the teaching & learning process then can be formed. Referring to Brown (1995), goal is a general statement considering desirable & attainable program purposes and aims based on perceived language and situation needs of the participants in the program. While an instructional objective is defined as specific statements that describe particular knowledge, behaviors, and/or skills that the students will be expected to know or perform at the end of the course program.
Both are important to formulate because by constructing the goal and the objective, the learning and teaching process will have aim to reach.
3. Designing and Evaluating Instructional Materials and Media
By having the goal and objectives, the instructional material can be developed.
According to Brown (1995), material is any systematic description of the techniques and exercises to be used in classroom teaching.
The material and media should be suitable with the goal and objectives by selecting, adapting or creating the most suitable ones.
4. Planning Teaching and Learning Activities
Teaching and learning activities should be planned based on the course objectives that have been specified and aim to assist the teachers achieving the objectives.
By planning the teaching and learning activities, teachers equip themselves with necessary information and lead the course to achieve the goal.
5. Developing Assessments
Assessment is a process to assure if the objectives are achieved, referring to the formulated goals and specified objectives, developed materials and the well programmed teaching learning activities.
Referring to Nation & Macalister (2009), assessment can be categorized into; placement assessment, observation of learning, short-term achievement assessment, diagnostic achievement, achievement assessment, and proficiency assessment.
There are reasons to choose each of them referring to the purpose. This purpose will determine the most suitable type of test for the evaluation.

B. Why is each component important to develop a syllabus?
The main reason each of the components is important to develop a syllabus is because every component is tied and interconnected to each other. A good syllabus should accommodate the demands of the students through a Need Analysis (NA). The NA then put as the base of the formulated Goal and Objectives. The instructional material and media the constructed referring to the Goal and Objectives to be achieved. Having known the instructional material and media, a syllabus developer can design the activities in the teaching and learning process. By the end, to assure the objectives are achieved, it is necessary to design assessment to evaluate the learning process.

Soepriyatna. 2019. EFL Curriculum and Materials Development. Tangerang Selatan. Universitas Terbuka.

Jawaban 16:

The first step in designing a syllabus framework is conducting need assessment. It is such kind of procedures to collect data about learners, situations, and purposes why they want to learn English. The data collected then will be the starting point in formulating the goals and determining objectives. Next, the designer should fulfill the following components when designing a syllabus.

1. Formulation of the goal of the program

A simple way to formulate the goal is by brainstorming reasons why the course should exist and why students learn it. Brown (1995) in Soepriyatna (2019) states that there are important points should be considered about goals:

·       Goal is a general statement concerning desirable and attainable program purposes.

·       Goals focus on what the students should be able to do when they complete the program.

·       Goals are bases to determine objectives of the course.

·       Goals may change.

2. Description of the course
In this part, the designer should explain why the course is important and encourage students’ interest and motivation. This section may include an overview of how to conduct the course and the students’ need for commitment and participation.
3. Objectives of the course
Objectives clearly tell the students what they have to do, under what conditions the performance take place, by following a specified degree or standard of acceptable performance. A common instructional objective follows the acronym ABCD, i.e. A is Audience, B is behavior, C is Condition, and D is Degree.
4. Instructional material and media

·       Material is the input that is received and practiced by the students at their classroom. Materials can take forms of printed material (such as: book) or non-print materials (such as video). Material is used as resources to present the lesson, to aid practice and communication interaction, to develop classroom activities, etc.

·       There are three ways that can be done to develop instructional materials and media i.e. evaluating, adapting, and writing.

5. Teaching Learning Activities

·       Teaching learning activities are techniques and exercises rationally selected to achieve the objectives.

·       They should be based on the objectives of the course and should aim at helping teachers achieving the objectives.

6. Resources
The designer should list all resources in the form of reference. This section should include all required and optional books.
7. Assessment
In this part, the designer should write how the students will be assessed. Also, this section should include all assignments and activities for the course. For each assignment, the designer should provide a brief description and include criteria for how the teacher will mark the students’ works.

Soepriyatna. 2019. EFL Curriculum and Materials Development. Tangerang Selatan: Universitas Terbuka

Jawaban 17:

1. What are the components of a syllabus?
One of the purposes of a syllabus is to inform the students about the course design. Basically, the syllabus has components that provide general information about the course learning outcomes and objectives.
The first discussion is on need analysis, goals, and objectives.
The second learning activity is on teaching materials and media.
The third is the teaching-learning process.
The last is assessment.
2. Why is each component important to develop a syllabus?
The syllabus is useful as a guide for further development of learning tools, starting from planning, managing learning activities, and developing assessments. The purpose of this development is to direct teaching and learning activities in an effort to achieve Basic Competence (KD). An educator, in this case, the teacher, in the education unit is obliged to compile a complete and systematic syllabus.
Thank you

Jawaban 18:

What are the components of a syllabus?

One of the objectives of the syllabus is to inform students about learning design (Supriyatna, 2019). Essentially, the syllabus contains components that provide general information about the course, learning outcomes, and objectives in order to work successfully. A brief explanation of the components of the syllabus as follows:

-          Need analysis, goals, and objectives

Needs analysis can play a major role in determining course content, especially for language items (Macalister and Nation, 2020). Need assessment (also called needs analysis) is the first step in designing a course syllabus. This needs analysis can be used to identify present, and target situations. The results of the needs analysis form the basis for developing defined goals and objectives.

The goal is a general statement concerning desirable and attainable program purposes and aims based on the perceived language and situation needs of the participants in the program (Brown in Supriyatna, 2019). And goals can be expressed in general terms and given more detail when considering the content of the course (Macalister and Nation, 2020). Goals are developed based on perceived needs, as perceptions can change.

At the completion of a course or program, students are expected to possess a certain set of information, abilities, or behaviors, which are specified in explicit statements known as instructional objectives (Brown, 1995).

-          Instructional Material and Media

The material in a course needs to be presented to learners in a form that will help the students to learn (Macalister and Nation, 2020). The source of the learning materials used as the basis for the lesson will greatly determine the ease of making lessons and the possibility of dissemination or publication of subjects in the future. To get the appropriate material, the teacher matches the material with the aims and objectives of learning by selecting, adapting, or writing the material. And the teacher must also determine the right media in delivering the material to achieve the learning objectives.

-          Teaching Learning activities

The implementation of the created syllabus is thought of as teaching and learning activities and teaching and learning activities are techniques and exercises that are rationally chosen to achieve goals (Supriyatna, 2019). Teachers hold the most important part in this implementation. And in supporting teachers, there are several ways that can be done as follows; first through orienting the teachers to the course, second by supporting them in administrative and curricular areas, and third through monitoring them (Supriyatna, 2019).

Brown in Supriyanta (2019) said that there are some ways that language programs help teachers, through curriculum development, to do their jobs, such as orienting the teacher to the new syllabus, supporting their efforts, monitoring instruction, and providing ways for teachers to revitalize themselves.

-          Assessment

It is one of the important components. Assessment plays an important role in the curriculum and serves to help students attain learning outcomes (Richard, 2017).  Teacher use assessment as a way of grading students’ work and performance, relevant assessment rubrics are designed at the start, together with the course plan.

Students are therefore familiar with the rubrics and the assessment requirements and focus on these throughout the course. The purpose of the monitoring and assessment part of curriculum design

is to make sure that the learners will get the most benefit from the course (Macalister and Nation, 2020).

Assessment can be categorized as; placement assessment, observation of learning, short-term achievement assessment, diagnostic achievement, achievement assessment, and proficiency assessment (Nation and Macalister in Supriyatna, 2019). So, teachers can receive information about students' progress from assessments.

Why is each component important to develop a syllabus?

The syllabus is a set of plans and arrangements for the implementation of learning and assessment which are arranged systematically and contain interrelated components to then achieve learning objectives. So all components of the syllabus are mutually supportive and interrelated with each other, each component plays a role in constructing a complete syllabus as described above.

The objectives of the syllabus in the learning implementation plan are to simplify, expedite, and improve the results of the teaching and learning process and to develop various professional, systematic, and efficient learning plans. In conclusion, all components of the syllabus are very important and interrelated in order to be systematic and logical to apply.


Soepriyatna. 2019. EFL Curriculum and Materials Development. Tangerang Selatan, Banten: Universitas Terbuka.

Macalister, J. & Nation, I. S. P. 2020. Language Curriculum Design. New York. Routledge.

Richards, J. C. 2017. Curriculum Development in Language Teaching Second Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Jawaban 19:

Syllabus consists the information of what and how to teach a course. In designing a good syllabus, a syllabus designer should pay attention to the components of the syllabus.
1) The components of the syllabus will be described as follow:
1. Needs Assessment
Before designing a syllabus, a syllabus designer should collect the information about the audience (whom to teach), content (what to teach) and how the content will be taught to the audience (how to teach). To respond this, the syllabus designer should do a need assessment to get the valid data. Need assessment studies about present and target situation. Present situation serves as baseline information while target situation is the situation that the students expect to experience. In a language learning, need assessment should get the information about the situation of the language will be used, the language objectives and purposes needed, the types of communication, and the level of proficiency.
2. Goals
Goals are formulated based on perceived needs and they are not permanent. They are desirable and attainable statement of the program purposes. In formulating goals, the syllabus designer should consider some important points; goals are general statement of program purposes, focus on an expected result the students will gain at the end of the program, goals are the starting point to specify objectives, and goals are not permanent, it may change.
3. Objectives
Objectives are specific statement which describe specific knowledge, behaviour, and skills that the students should be able to know or perform at the end of the program. A good objective should contain performance (the expected knowledge, behaviour, or skill that the students need to gain at the end of the program), condition (in what condition the performance is expected to occur), criterion (the level of quality of the performance).
4. Instructional Material and Media
After formulating the objectives, the syllabus designer, then, can develop the instructional material and media. The materials and media are important for the learning process. The materials and media used by the teacher to present the lesson, to assist the practice and the interaction of communication, develop the learning activities and as the resources for the students to learn the topic of the lesson. The teacher needs to match materials and media with the goal and the objectives of the course in order to get the appropriate materials. The teacher can develop the materials and media by evaluating, adapting or writing.
5. Teaching Learning Activities
This component of syllabus is dealing with the implementation step of the syllabus. This step will contain techniques and tasks which are decided to use rationally to gain the instructional objectives.
6. Assessment
Assessment is done to check whether the objectives are achieved by the students. Assessment can be done to check the students’ progress, reinforcing the students learning, and evaluating teaching/learning process.
Assessment can be classified into placement assessment, observation of learning, short-term achievement assessment, diagnostic assessment, and proficiency assessment. This type of assessment is used based on the reason why we assess.

2) Each component is important in developing the syllabus. Each component must be done in sequence to ensure the syllabus produced is the appropriate one. Each component is interconnected. The previous component will be the basis for developing the next component. For example, need analysis serves the basis data to formulate the goals, the goals will be the foundation for the syllabus designer to formulate the instructional objectives and so the next component.


Soepriyatna. 2019. EFL Curriculum and Materials Development. Tangerang Selatan, Banten: Universitas Terbuka.

Jawaban 20:

The components of a syllabus are :
a syllabus should include the following information:

Learning Objectives.
What students will gain or take away from your course. Why these objectives are the most important skills/knowledge for the course (helpful if objectives are included for each topic/session).
Goal/Rationale. How the course relates to primary concepts and principles of the discipline (where it fits into the overall intellectual area). Type of knowledge and abilities that will be emphasized. How and why the course is organized in a particular sequence.
Basic Information. Course name and number, meeting time and place, instructor name, contact information, office hours, instructional support staff information.
Course Content. Schedule, outline, meeting dates and holidays, major topics and sub-topics preferably with rationale for inclusion.
Student Responsibilities. Particulars and rationale for homework, projects, quizzes, exams, reading requirements, participation, due dates, etc. Policies on lateness, missed work, extra credit, etc.
Grading Method. Clear, explicit statement of assessment process and measurements.
Materials and Access. Required texts and readings, course packs. How to get materials including relevant instructional technologies. Additional resources such as study groups, etc.
Teaching Philosophy. Pedagogical approach including rationale for why students will benefit from it.

Jawaban 21:

1. The components of a syllabus are :
a syllabus should include the following information:
1. Learning Objectives.
What students will gain or take away from your course. Why these objectives are the most important skills/knowledge for the course (helpful if objectives are included for each topic/session).

2. Goal/Rationale. How the course relates to primary concepts and principles of the discipline (where it fits into the overall intellectual area). Type of knowledge and abilities that will be emphasized. How and why the course is organized in a particular sequence.

3. Basic Information. Course name and number, meeting time and place, instructor name, contact information, office hours, instructional support staff information.

4. Course Content. Schedule, outline, meeting dates and holidays, major topics and sub-topics preferably with rationale for inclusion.

5. Student Responsibilities. Particulars and rationale for homework, projects, quizzes, exams, reading requirements, participation, due dates, etc. Policies on lateness, missed work, extra credit, etc.

6. Grading Method. Clear, explicit statement of assessment process and measurements.

7. Materials and Access. Required texts and readings, course packs. How to get materials including relevant instructional technologies. Additional resources such as study groups, etc.

8. Teaching Philosophy. Pedagogical approach including rationale for why students will benefit from it.

All the syllabus component give advantages for gaining the students' capability in learning the materials. The first, Learning objectives as the fundamental and the following parts to give relevant to material of the course/ lesson


Soepriyatna, 2019. Tangerang: Penerbit Universitas Terbuka.


Jawaban 22:

The syllabus is to facilitate learning in accordance with the expected results, so teachers are required to have this learning tool as a guide for preparing learning activity plans. With the syllabus, learning, assignments and assessments that will be delivered to students are more planned and organized
In the syllabus there are important components that help teachers to develop the syllabus, including:
1. Learning Objectives. Learning objectives are the direction to be directed after going through a series of learning processes. This component is very important for developing the syllabus because the teacher can plan various activities to be carried out based on the learning objectives
2. Goal/Rationale. This goal/rationale makes it easier for teachers to choose and arrange teaching materials
3. Basic Information. It contains information about school identity
4. Course Content, to arrange schedules, plan teaching materials, plan assignments for students
5. Student Responsibilities. It is very necessary for the development of the syllabus because it contains what students should do before, during and after learning. so that students can prepare themselves to participate actively in the learning process
6. Grading Method. After participating in learning, teachers need to know about student learning progress through assessments both individually and in groups
7. Materials and Access. Teachers need to prepare teaching materials that are in accordance with the material to be taught and look for other teaching sources to add student learning references
8. Teaching Philosophy. establish good communication with students so that the learning process can run smoothly and achieve the expected learning objectives

Jawaban 23:

a. What are the components of a syllabus?
Several syllabuses may have comprehensive components and some may be more packed, depending on the school where the syllabus is taught. In a more comprehensive component, the syllabus has the following components: learning objectives, teaching philosophy, materials and access, grading methods, students’ responses, course content, basic information, and goals/rationale.

A shorter syllabus, will include course policies, grade computation, grading criteria, course methodology, course objectives/outcomes, course description, and instructor information. In Indonesia, the syllabus is required to refer to Permendikbud Number 22, 2016 concerning Process Standards (Kemendikbud, 2016c) which must include 9 components: learning resources, time allocation, assessment, learning activities, basic materials, basic competencies, core competencies, school identity, and subject identity, in which the components provided are more comprehensive.

b. Why is each component important to develop a syllabus?
It is because each component in the syllabus collects all the information in one place about the class. All class-related questions, such as teacher hours, learning dates, class schedules, and other essential questions are included in a syllabus. When a teacher wants to know the work of other teachers in the class, it can be checked in the syllabus first.

They are also important because the syllabus lays out the expectations that teachers and students want to have regarding the quality of teaching and learning. It shows how students should prepare themselves and how teachers should prepare teaching according to students' needs. The syllabus is said to be a ‘contract’ that binds the teacher with the pupil to know what is to be given and why it is given. It is used to assess the efforts of students and determine what those efforts are aimed at.

Jawaban 24:

The components of Syllabus which is to inform students about:

1. General information about the course

It analyzes the target situation and the current condition. The current condition includes gathering data for a baseline point of departure and observing the existing environment in which students are enrolled, for instance “what level are the students? Are they in beginning, middle or advanced?”

On the other hand, the goal situation is to gather data on circumstance that students anticipate encountering, for example “what do they want to learn about?”

 2. Learning outcomes and objectives

It is characterized as a precise assertion that details specific knowledge and/or skills that students should possess or able to accomplish at the conclusion of a course or program (Brown, 1995). According to the definition given above, a good objective should include performance, condition and criterion. Firstly, performance refers to what students will be able to do. Secondly, condition refers to the standard or level of acceptable performance. Lastly, criterion refers to circumstances in which performance is anticipated to take place.

For instance, “Students should be able to compose an essay in approximately 250 words base on their own experience in spending their weekend, utilizing appropriate terms features and grammatical patterns.”

·       Performance “Students should be able to compose an essay”

·       Condition “based on their own experience in spending their holiday in about 250 words”

·       Criterion “utilizing appropriate terms features and grammatical patterns”

3. Textbook and required readings

The students will use materials and media including textbook in classroom as input that they will learn from and put into practice. We are also accustomed to using authentic materials such as magazines or article for education even though they are not specifically created fot that purpose.

Brown (1995) defined material as any systematic description of the activities and teaching methods to be used in the classroom.

The unavailability of materials will prevent the kids from practicing or exercising in the classroom. Materailas serve as a means of presenting of the lesson, facilitating practice and communication, creating classroom activities, and teaching grammar or even a English expression.

4. Course organization

Analyzing, classifying and organizing will be the first steps in the material adaption process. In order to evaluate whether a supplement is necessary, the analysis process first compares the existing materials to the goals and objectives of the course.

The following phase involves classifying the materials in order to identify any objectives that have been covered and to fill up any gaps by reviewing more information. The final phase in this process is organizing which involves reorganizing to better match the objectives or changing the sequence to match objectives relevant items.

5. Teaching learning activities

To accomplish the goals, we need to choose or discover approaches and conduct coherently. It need to be founded on the curriculum objectives and ought assist the teacher obtain those goals. It should be created to aid teacher in teaching, nevertheless.

There are ways hat language programs might assist instructors in their work by developing curriculum for teaching and learning activities (Brown, 1995). Their steps could be conducted through orienting to the syllabus, supporting teaching efforts, monitoring instruction and offering means for feedback.

6. Assessment.

It aims to assess the effectiveness of the teaching-learning process and give teacher a fundamental understanding of how it works, including how the approach was used, whether the goals and objectives were appropriate, the quality of the materials created, and whether the assessment was appropriate.

Thank you very much


Soepriyatna. 2019. EFL Curriculum and Materials Development. Tangerang Selatan, Banten: Universitas Terbuka.

Jawaban 25:

There are several steps in designing a syllabus with the aim of meeting good syllabus standards. One of the goals of the syllabus is to inform students about learning design. The syllabus also determines the textbooks and mandatory readings that students must do and the last part in the syllabus is that the assessment in this process will measure the ability of students during the learning process whether the results are achieved.
the components of a syllabus are:

• Needs assessment = in designing the syllabus, you must pay attention to the content or content of the syllabus, how the content is taught to students. To prepare all that, valid data is needed, to get valid data it is necessary to conduct an assessment.

• Goals = in this case the goals and objectives of the program to be achieved, with the objectives of the statement, program objectives, perceptions of language needs and situations. In this case quoted by Brown (1995) there are many forms of goals, namely language and situation, functional, structural, and attitude.

• Objectives = defined as specific statements that describe certain knowledge, behaviors and skills.

• Materials and media = in this component are techniques and exercises that will be used in classroom teaching. The syllabus material will be the input that students receive and practice and for teaching materials it can be in the form of printed or non-printed books.

• Teaching learning activities = teaching and learning activities must be based on the objectives of the subjects that have been determined and arranged. In the end, the syllabus was formed and made to help educators carry out the teaching and learning process.

• Assessment = the most important final component in a syllabus is the assessment after we form and arrange the expected goals and the materials developed and teaching and learning activities that have been explained. So that in the final process an assessment is needed which aims to find out the teaching and learning process has been achieved. Besides that, it will also measure what students have learned

Of all the syllabus described above, each component in the syllabus is very important and must be done in compiling the syllabus, if something is missed in compiling the syllabus, the success rate of the syllabus will not be maximized so that the syllabus will be considered not good.


Soepriyatna. 2019. EFL Curriculum and Materials Development. Tangerang Selatan, Banten: Universitas Terbuka.
