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Diskusi 8 EFL Curriculum and Materials Development

 Please discuss:

• How to select appropriate instructional materials

• Guidelines and criteria for selecting instructional materials

• Aspects, such as language components, skills, methodology, and non-linguistic aspects (age, emotional development,     ability level, learning styles, and social development of the students) in selecting instructional materials

Jawaban 1:

Syllabus developers have to decide the most suitable materials for teaching activities. In other words, they have to ensure that the materials will meet the learning activities, including the assessment planned in the course. In details, they have to:

·       ensure that the chosen materials will support and encourage learners to have a variety of interests, skills, learning preferences, and maturity;

·       provide resources that will elevate societal norms, literary appreciation, aesthetic ideals, and factual information;

·       provide resources that allow readers to consider many viewpoints on contentious issues in order to foster and practice critical thinking, and

·       provide resources that illustrate the contributions made by many racial, ethnic, and cultural groups to the natural environment, the global community, etc.

Guidelines and criteria for selecting instructional materials cover language form and skills, methodology, and non-linguistic aspects.

·       The first includes grammar and vocabulary that the students need to learn. The simplest way to select grammar items is to ask what grammar items are included in the materials. Meanwhile, in selecting vocabulary, frequency and usefulness are used for selection purposes. The latter covers four language skills to be developed, including listening skills (that are presented in two ways, namely as supporting skills for oral works and listening as a right), speaking skills (that are presented through oral works), reading skills (that provide various texts), and writing skills (that offer controlled and guided activities).

·       Methodology deals with how materials present the language students should learn. Cunningsworth (in Soepriyatna, 2019) states that aspects discussed under methodology are learners’ needs, guiding principles (that deal with methodological procedures adopted by the teaching materials), procedures for learning and teaching (that deal with how the material is structured and presented), students’ role, and study skills (that deal with advice and guidance for the students in their learning).

·       Non-linguistic aspects deal with the topic and subject content that are evaluated by their variety, level of interest, and relevance to the targeted students. Meanwhile, other aspects, like social and cultural values, deal with the students’ background, such as age, gender, social class, ethnic origin, etc.

Soepriyatna. 2019. EFL Curriculum and Materials Development. Tangerang Selatan: Universitas Terbuka

Jawaban 2:

- Selecting materials involves the process matching the identified features of the required particular learning activity and the teaching situation. In addition, the needs of selecting materials for teaching and learning activity is to certify that the materials has met the learning activities including the assessment planned in the course. It can be taken from the existing resources need to be developed before implementing it in the classroom.

-Guidelines and criteria for selecting instructional materials
Criteria for the selecting instructional materials are language form and skills, methodology, and non-linguistic aspects. Language form and skills are the main reason why the materials are produced. It includes grammar, vocabulary that the students need to learn, and the four language skills to be developed. methodology deals with how the materials are presented and how best they can be taught and learnt.

-The aspects,
The first is language components, in teaching language forms what to teach always include grammar and vocabulary. Grammar is language content that is always found in any language teaching materials. The simple way of selecting grammar items by asking what grammar items are included in the materials. Furthermore, vocabulary is often neglected as it is often embedded to other teaching items. In addition, it is not easy to select what vocabulary should be included in teaching materials. In addition, language skills are listening, speaking, reading and writing. Listening are presented in two ways. The first is as supporting skills for oral, the second function is listening, as it is own right, such us recorded listening passage for comprehension.

Methodology deals with how material present the language the student should learn. This means that the materials should give ideas how language should be learnt and taught. Aspects discussed under methodology are learners' need, guiding principles, procedures for learning and teaching, students' role, and study skills (Cunningsworth, 1995).

Non linguistic aspects in teaching material include topics and subject content and how they are treated. Other subjects are social and cultural values. Topic and subject content are usually evaluated by its variety, level of interest, and relevance with the targeted students. Interesting topics will engage students in the activities , variety of topics will be able to cater the diversity of students background. In adition social and cultural values deal with students background. This is to select if the materials are culturally recognized by the target students.

Jawaban 3:

1) How to select appropriate instructional materials
Instructional materials provide the basis for what learners will experience and learn. They hold the power to either engage or demotivate learners. Therefore, instructional materials must be carefully planned, selected, organized, refined, and used.

2) Guidelines and criteria for selecting instructional materials
Overview of key factors to consider when selecting instructional materials:

1. Take into consideration individual needs and learning styles.
Choose materials that present information in a variety of ways. Using mixed media (text, video, images, real world examples, graphs, etc.) make information more interesting and address learners’ different learning styles.
2. Make sure the materials support learning objectives
Provide a wide range of materials that will enrich and support the curriculum and course objectives. The instructional materials should reinforce and supplement, not substitute for, the teacher’s teaching efforts.
3. Make the materials clear and accessible
Make sure learners have sufficient background knowledge to comprehend the learning materials.
3) Aspects, such as language components, skills, methodology, and non-linguistic aspects (age, emotional development, ability level, learning styles, and social development of the students) in selecting instructional materials.
Teachers may use the available learning materials like textbooks or develop their own by compiling from some sources such as newspaper, internet, article, and the like and then adapt them to adjust with learner needs. However, English teachers are recommended to develop learning materials by themselves in order to meet their learners’ needs. To meet learners’ needs, Tomlinson (1998) suggests that learning materials should give learners experience s to interact with authentic use of English through spoken and written texts.
The teacher should pay attention on the students’ need and the developing material should be considered several things as follow :
• Materials should achieve impact
• Materials should help learners to feel at ease
• Materials should help learners to develop confidence
• What is being taught should be perceived by learners as relevant and useful
• Materials should require and facilitate learner self-investment
• Learners must be ready to acquire the point being taught

Thank you....



Soepriyatna. 2017. Buku Materi Pokok MPBI5204/3SKS/Modul 1-9: EFL Curriculum and Material Development. Tangerang Selatan: Universitas Terbuka.

Jawaban 4:

           Materials and media selection constitute important components in facilitating the students to achieve the learning goal and objectives. Owing to this essence, syllabus developers or teachers must be able to select the most appropriate materials under cognitive and non-cognitive needs well as linguistic and non-linguistic aspects. This is because the appropriate teaching materials are applied to obtain learning objectives (Soepriyatna, 2019). In term of cognitive aspects, Soepriyatna (2019) stands for the need of appropriate factual knowledge, literary appreciation, well-developed reasoning and critical thinking. Then in term of non-cognitive aspects, he (2019) also confirms that such consideration of various interest, learning styles, maturity, religious-ethical-and cultural contents heading to natural heritage and world community, etc. may be taken into account as well. Meanwhile in terms of linguistic aspects, syllabus developers and teachers also need to regard the existing resources on the basis of form (grammar function), vocabulary, language skills and suitable balance among the skills. Lastly in terms of non-linguistic aspects, topics and subject content and how they are treated belongs to the focus for this case. Further, social and cultural values will affect the students’ need in materials suitable with age, gender, social class, ethnic origin, and even disability (Soepriyatna, 2019). Especially related to media selection, they must be able to provide effective teaching media in order that the teaching-learning process can run more interesting and precisely on the target. To this matter, Soepriyatna (2019) asserts that using media has been extremely effective in teaching a wide range of subjects, providing interactive communication, and delivering as well as grasping the message of knowledge being engaged in the learning process.
           In case of how to select appropriate instructional materials, Soepriyatna (2019) confers three main consideration, namely: content (what to teach), methodology (how to teach), and non-linguistic aspects. Firstly, content (what to teach) is on the basis of language forms and skills. Here, the content covered in the subjects the students need is strongly required to complete the course objectives such as particular needs of state, industry, or accreditation standards etc. Then, methodology (how to teach) is on the basis of how the students need to learn. More specifically, syllabus or teachers need to take into account each student's demands and learning preferences such as picking resources that offer information in a variety of formats. Information is made more interesting and is tailored to the various learning styles of students by including mixed media (text, video, photos, real-world examples, graphs, etc.). Next, non-linguistic aspects is on the basis of topic, subject content, and social values. In this case, topic and subject content are intended to bring the students in the real world of language in use. In the meantime, social values provides a means to relate the students’ language use with social and cultural context that are accomplishable and recognizable by them such as the social changes around them, adapt, and solve social problems as a result of various social and cultural changes. This can relevantly be sourced from textbooks, reference books, newspapers, and other necessary references (authentic materials).
           Related to guidelines and criteria for selecting instructional materials, syllabus developers and/ teachers must mainly base instructional materials on school curriculum. The main points behind this case is that the instructional materials constructed must meet the students’ need and should be able to improve the learning outcome of students as proposed by (Syatriana, Eny et.al, 2013). Some guidelines proposed by Tomlinson (2011) that materials should: (1) Support the development of cultural sensitivity and awareness; (2) Reflect the reality of language use; (3) Assist learners in learning in ways that are similar to the situations in which they will need to use the language; and (4) Assist in the creation of readiness to learn (for example, by assisting learners in recognizing the discrepancy between their use of a feature of communication and the use of that feature by proficient users of the language), and (5) Achieve affective engagement. In the meantime, when choosing their materials, syllabus developers or teachers must undoubtedly consider a variety of factors. The selection criteria will take into account students’ goals and needs, learning preferences, the literary and cultural backgrounds of the students, language competence levels, language teaching techniques, classroom atmosphere, and the materials' potential to inspire students and hold their attention. The more carefully chosen the materials are by the teachers, the more engaged the students are in class, and ultimately, the more successful the teaching and learning process will be. (Cunningsworth, 1995; Harmer, 2003; McGrath, 2006).
           Lastly, aspects, such as language components, skills, methodology, and non-linguistic aspects (age, emotional development, ability level, learning styles, and social development of the students) in selecting instructional materials as mentioned above are concerned with the selection process of instructional materials. This is merely done to meet with learning activities and also the assessment planned in the course. More specifically, this selection process brings the alignment of instructional materials with the appropriate content standards and the school curriculum, the capacity of the instructional materials which meet the educational needs of the students, the availability of intervention materials aligned to the core program materials, and how the materials support articulation of instruction which purposively get students to represent their knowledge, reasoning, or problem-solving processes.

Cunningsworth, A. 1995. Choosing Your Coursebook. Oxford: Heinemann.

Harmer, J. 2003. The Practice of English Language Teaching. Essex: Longman.

McGrath, I. 2006. Teachers’ and Learners’ Images for Coursebooks. ELT Journal, 60 (2), 171-180.

Syatriana, Eny et.al. 2013. A Model of Creating Instructional Materials Based on the School Curriculum for Indonesian Secondary Schools. Journal of Education and Practice Vol.4, No.20, 2013. www.iiste.org.

Soepriyatna. 2019. Buku Materi Pokok MPBI 5204/ 3SKS/ Modul 1-9: EFL Curriculum and Materials Development. Tangerang Selatan, Banten: Universitas Terbuka.

Jawaban 5:

Instruction materials as one of the most important elements in learning process must be taken on the first consideration by the syllabus designer.Finding materials that meet the needs of the course and engage learners can be difficult, especially when considering content, audience, and cost.Even the students not always purchase or read the required materials.Below are the considerations to make most of our materials align to our learning objective,our course syllabus and our teaching philosophy:
• The instruction materials is obligated to motivate students in learning and at the same times it should be able to cover students’ abilities,intersts,learning style ,and maturities.By supplying the students with the instructions materials suit to them in those aspects ,the learning process can be guarantee reach its goals.
• The instruction material must supply students with many kind of course sources.Materials should contain reference lists/ bibliographies, which can direct students to
additional reading and help them understand that no single source can be the final or
only answer.By giving additional sources,the students will get futher information
better understanding to the course.
• The instruction materials must give the factual knowledge. Materials should present information based on the most recent research and presents a realistic picture of both the “good” and the “bad” in life
• Materials need to help readers develop a respect for differences (race, color, ethnic/national origin, religion, marital status,age, socio-economic status or disability). Students should be shown how diversity within the groups have provided important contributions in society.

• Students should be presented multiple perspectives of controversial(e.g pluralistic,multiculture nature of the society) topics through materials and/or instruction. Materials should be written in a way that promotes discussion and allows critical analysis of the information by bringing out student ideas and views.

There are some guideline and must be taken into account in selecting the instruction materials:
• Instructional materials should support the educational philosophy, goals and objectives of the lesson and the objectives of the curriculum offering in which the materials will be used.
• Instructional materials should be appropriate for the age, emotional and social development, and ability level of the students for whom the materials are selected.
• Instructional materials should be designed to motivate students to examine their own attitudes and behaviors and to comprehend their own duties, responsibilities, rights, and privileges as participating citizens in pluralistic society.
• Instructional materials should encourage students to utilize higher order thinking skills and to become informed decision-makers, to exercise freedom of thought and to make independent judgments through examination and evaluation of relevant information, evidence, and differing viewpoints.

The focus in selecting the instructions materials:
• Language forms(grammar and vocabulary):
-Grammar is a type of linguistic information that can be found in any language instruction material.
The easiest technique to choose grammar things is to ask what grammar items are present in the resources.
The availability of grammatical pieces should determine whether or not the resources are chosen.
-Vocabulary is frequently overlooked since it is frequently incorporated in other educational materials.
It is difficult to decide which words should be included in educational materials.
The challenge arises in the selecting criterion. For selection, two criteria are used: frequency and usefulness.
• Methodology is a system of practices and procedures that a teacher uses to teach. It will be based on beliefs about the nature of language, and how it is learnt (known as 'Approach').
• Instructional materials should be appropriate for the age, emotional and social development, and ability level of the students for whom the materials are selected.

Jawaban 6:

Instruction materials as one of the most important elements in learning process must be taken on the first consideration by the syllabus designer.Finding materials that meet the needs of the course and engage learners can be difficult, especially when considering content, audience, and cost.Even the students not always purchase or read the required materials.Below are the considerations to make most of our materials align to our learning objective,our course syllabus and our teaching philosophy:
• The instruction materials is obligated to motivate students in learning and at the same times it should be able to cover students’ abilities,intersts,learning style ,and maturities.By supplying the students with the instructions materials suit to them in those aspects ,the learning process can be guarantee reach its goals.
• The instruction material must supply students with many kind of course sources.Materials should contain reference lists/ bibliographies, which can direct students to
additional reading and help them understand that no single source can be the final or
only answer.By giving additional sources,the students will get futher information
better understanding to the course.
• The instruction materials must give the factual knowledge. Materials should present information based on the most recent research and presents a realistic picture of both the “good” and the “bad” in life
• Materials need to help readers develop a respect for differences (race, color, ethnic/national origin, religion, marital status,age, socio-economic status or disability). Students should be shown how diversity within the groups have provided important contributions in society.

• Students should be presented multiple perspectives of controversial(e.g pluralistic,multiculture nature of the society) topics through materials and/or instruction. Materials should be written in a way that promotes discussion and allows critical analysis of the information by bringing out student ideas and views.

There are some guideline and must be taken into account in selecting the instruction materials:
• Instructional materials should support the educational philosophy, goals and objectives of the lesson and the objectives of the curriculum offering in which the materials will be used.
• Instructional materials should be appropriate for the age, emotional and social development, and ability level of the students for whom the materials are selected.
• Instructional materials should be designed to motivate students to examine their own attitudes and behaviors and to comprehend their own duties, responsibilities, rights, and privileges as participating citizens in pluralistic society.
• Instructional materials should encourage students to utilize higher order thinking skills and to become informed decision-makers, to exercise freedom of thought and to make independent judgments through examination and evaluation of relevant information, evidence, and differing viewpoints.

The focus in selecting the instructions materials:
• Language forms(grammar and vocabulary):
-Grammar is a type of linguistic information that can be found in any language instruction material.
The easiest technique to choose grammar things is to ask what grammar items are present in the resources.
The availability of grammatical pieces should determine whether or not the resources are chosen.
-Vocabulary is frequently overlooked since it is frequently incorporated in other educational materials.
It is difficult to decide which words should be included in educational materials.
The challenge arises in the selecting criterion. For selection, two criteria are used: frequency and usefulness.
• Methodology is a system of practices and procedures that a teacher uses to teach. It will be based on beliefs about the nature of language, and how it is learnt (known as 'Approach').
• Instructional materials should be appropriate for the age, emotional and social development, and ability level of the students for whom the materials are selected.
Soepriyatna. 2019. EFL Curriculum and Materials Development. Tangerang Selatan: Universitas Terbuka


Jawaban 7:

• The learning material chosen to be taught by the teacher and must be studied by students should contain material or teaching materials that really support the achievement of competency standards and basic competencies. Broadly speaking, the selection of teaching materials includes: (a) identifying the aspects contained in the competency standards and basic competencies that become the reference or reference for the selection of teaching materials, (b) identifying the types of teaching materials, (c) selecting teaching materials. that are in accordance with or relevant to the competency standards and basic competencies that have been identified earlier, and (d) choosing the source of teaching materials.
• Learning materials (teaching materials) are one component of the learning system that plays an important role in helping students achieve competency standards and basic competencies. Broadly speaking, the guidelines for selecting teaching materials or learning materials contain the knowledge, skills, and attitudes or values that students must learn. Learning materials need to be chosen properly so that they can optimally assist students in achieving competency standards and basic competencies. The problems that arise regarding the selection of learning materials regarding the type, scope, sequence, treatment (treatment) of learning materials and sources of teaching materials. Types of learning materials need to be identified or determined appropriately because each type of learning material requires different strategies, media, and ways of evaluating. The scope or scope and depth of the learning material need to be considered so that it is not less and not more. Sequence needs to be considered so that learning becomes coherent.

Principles of Selection of Teaching Materials There are several principles that need to be considered in the preparation of teaching materials or learning materials. The principles in the selection of learning materials include the principles of relevance, consistency, and adequacy. The principle of relevance means relatedness. Learning materials should be relevant or related or related to the achievement of competency standards and basic competencies. For example, if the competencies that are expected to be mastered by students are in the form of memorizing facts, then the learning material taught must be in the form of facts or memorization. The principle of consistency means consistency. If the basic competencies that must be mastered by students are four kinds, then the teaching materials that must be taught must also include four kinds. For example, the basic competence that must be mastered by students is the operation of numbers which includes addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, then the material taught must also include techniques for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. The principle of adequacy means that the material taught should be adequate in helping students master the basic competencies being taught. The material should not be too little, and not too much. If too little will be less helpful in achieving competency standards and basic competencies. On the other hand, if there are too many it will be a waste of time and unnecessary effort to learn it.

• Aspects that must be considered, such as language components, skills, methodology, and non-linguistic aspects (age, emotional development, ability level, learning style, and social development of students) in selecting teaching materials:
- The language used in the preparation of teaching materials must be adapted to The level of understanding of students is not too complicated so that teaching materials are easy to understand. Teaching materials need to be designed systematically with language that is easily understood by students according to their level of knowledge and age. The language aspect should be met in the preparation of teaching materials. First, the language used must be a good and appropriate language. The two sentences used are adjusted to the knowledge and development of students. The three terms or vocabulary that are compiled should make it easier for students to understand. The compatibility between language and level of education will facilitate the learning process.
- Skill is the ability to do something well. To act can mean physically (writing, speaking, etc.) and it can also mean spiritually (distinguishing, analyzing, etc.). Usually these two aspects are inseparable from each other, although that is not always the case.
- The methodology of teaching materials relates to the learning approach in managing learning activities to deliver material or lesson content systematically, so that the expected abilities can be mastered by students effectively and efficiently.
A learning process will be able to take place effectively or not, is largely determined by how high the level of understanding of the educator about the characteristics of the students. Understanding the characteristics of students will determine the learning outcomes to be achieved, activities that need to be carried out, and appropriate assessments for students. On this basis, the characteristics of students must be the attention and footing of educators in carrying out all learning activities. Characteristics of students include: ethnicity, culture, social status, interests, cognitive development, early abilities, learning styles, motivation, emotional development, social development, moral and spiritual development, and motor

Jawaban 8:

1. How do select appropriate instructional materials

Finding materials that meet the needs of the course and engage learners can take time and effort. Even then, learners only sometimes purchase or read the required materials. In order to maximize the usage of your materials, the CUSE (1997) advised making sure that they align with your learning objectives, course syllabus, and teaching philosophy. When choosing instructional materials, keep the following considerations in mind: 

a. Content - Does the content meet your needs by covering the topics necessary for your course objectives? Are there any accreditation, industry, or state standards to consider? 

b. Audience - Does the material appeal to your audience in terms of reading level and style? Does it offer examples or case studies that would appeal to members of that audience? 

c. Sequencing and Pace - Does the sequencing and pace of the material align with your course? 

d. Cost - Are there costs associated with the material? Have you explored open educational resources that might be available at no cost?  

e. Supplements - Does the material provide supplements such as slide decks, case studies, practice activities, or test banks that you can adapt to your needs? Learners often use supplements if diligently reminded (Lang, 2009).

2. Guidelines and criteria for selecting instructional materials

According to Rustamov (2021), below are some criteria to consider in selecting instructional materials.

a. Instructional materials must support the aims and objectives of the curriculum as well as the goals of the course in which the materials will be utilized.

b. Instructional materials should be appropriate for the age, emotional and social development and ability level of the students.

c. Instructional materials should be varied in terms of complexity and reader appeal, as well as convey a diversity of points of view.

d. Instructional materials should have high-quality factual information and presentation.

e. Instructional materials should have aesthetic, cultural, literary, or social significance. The significance and influence of any literary work will be assessed as a whole, taking into account the author's goal rather than specific words, phrases, or situations.

f. Instructional materials should foster respect for cultural diversity.

g. Instructional materials should be developed to encourage students to examine their own attitudes, responsibilities, rights, and privileges as contributing citizens in a pluralistic society.

h. Instructional materials should promote students to use higher-order thinking abilities and become informed decision-makers, as well as to exercise freedom of thought and make independent judgments by examining and evaluating relevant information, evidence, and opposing opinions.

i. Instructional materials should be selected by taking into account those already available to replace outdated, obsolete, or no longer relevant materials. 

3. Aspects, such as language components, skills, methodology, and non-linguistic aspects (age, emotional development, ability level, learning styles, and social development of the students) in selecting instructional materials.

According to McDonough et al. (2013), learners' aspects that should be considered related to the selection of instructional materials are

a. Age: to determine the topics and kinds of learning activities to choose and to apply

b. Interest: to affect the choice of learning activities and topics

c. Levels of English proficiency: to investigate the learners' proficiency 

d. Aptitude: to know learners' talent in language through the measurement of formal aptitude, e. Mother tongue: to affect the determination of the syllabi types

f. Academics and educational level: to determine materials

g. Attitude to learning: to determine the proper approach

h. Motivation: to anticipate something that happened during the study

i. Reason for learning: to know the detailed analysis of learners' needs

j. Preferred learning styles: to decide the suitability of different methods

k. Personality: to affect methodological choice.


Committee of Undergraduate Science Education (CUSE). (1997). Chapter 7: Choosing and using instructional resources. In Science teaching reconsidered (pp. 47-54). Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. Retrieved from https://www.nap.edu/read/5287/chapter/1 

Lang, J. M. (2009). Choosing and using textbooks. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved from https://www.chronicle.com/article/ChoosingUsing-Textbooks/44820 

McDonough, J., Shaw, C., & Masuhara, H. (2013). Materials and methods in ELT: A teacher's guide (Vol. 2). John Wiley & Sons.

National Research Council 1999. Selecting Instructional Materials: A Guide for K-12 Science. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. https://doi.org/10.17226/9607.

Rustamov, F. N. (2021). Instructional Materials: Selection, Inspection and Reconsideration.International Journal of World Languages, 1(2).

Jawaban 9:

By selecting appropriate instructional materials, syllabus designers or instructors may choose the most appropriate materials for a certain instructional activity. It is essential that they feel assured that the chosen materials are the best and most suitable available (Cunningsworth in Soepriyatna) (2019: 8.3). Matching the stated characteristics of the desired learning activity with the teaching scenario is essential when selecting resources. According to Soepriyatna (2019: 8.4), the material selection procedure comprises content, methodology, and nonlinguistic factors. The content focuses on linguistic forms. The language forms include teaching grammar and vocabulary. The following is the methodology. It examines how instructional materials deliver the language that students must learn. This implies that the resources should include suggestions for language learning and instruction. The last category is non-linguistic factors. This component of instructional materials includes the treatment of subjects and subject matter. In addition, there are social and cultural values. They explore the backgrounds of the pupils. This is to determine if the contents are culturally relevant to the intended students.

Relating to guidelines and criteria for selecting material, Brown (1995) lists five major guidelines to consider in selecting materials: a) author's and publisher's reputation; b) fit to the curriculum; c) physical characteristics; d) logistical factors; and e) teach ability. He added that a further consideration in selecting materials is the extent to which a curriculum will involve teacher material, such as exercises, handouts, charts, review sheets, etc. It is a motivating factor for teachers and also a student in teaching and learning activities.

In addition, Abdullah (2008) constitutes several criteria for selecting Instructional material. He mentions that instructional material should:
a. support the educational goals and objectives.
b. be appropriate for age, emotional and social development.
c. be meaningful and purpose fully.
d. meet high-quality standards in factual content and presentation.
e. be accurate in every aspect.
f. foster respect for the disabled and minority groups and should portray various roles and lifestyles open to people in today’s world. Instructional materials should foster respect for cultural diversity.
g. be designed to motivate students to examine their attitudes and behaviors and comprehend their duties, responsibilities, rights, and privileges as participating citizens in a pluralistic society.
h. encourage students to utilize higher-order thinking skills and to become informed decision-makers, exercise freedom of thought, and make independent judgments through examination and evaluation of relevant information, evidence, and differing viewpoints.
i. be simple and cheap.
j. should be up-to-date and easily portable.

Furthermore, material aspects of selecting material, such as language components, skills, methodology, and non-linguistic aspects (age, emotional development, ability level, learning styles, and social development of the students) are crucial to elaborate. Here is the explanation
a. Language components. It deals with grammar and vocabulary. Grammar is a language content always found in any language teaching material. The simple way of selecting grammar items is by asking what grammar items are included in the materials. The availability of grammar items should determine whether the materials would be selecting what vocabulary should be included in teaching materials is not easy as other teaching items. In addition, selecting what vocabulary should be included in teaching materials is not easy.
b. Language Skills. The focus of selection is always on the adequacy of presenting the four language skills; listening, speaking, reading, and writing, along with a suitable balance among the skills. Listening skills are presented in two ways. The first is supporting skills for oral works, such as during conversation or dramatization. Here listening functions as a support. The second function is listening, in its own right, such as recorded reading passages for comprehension. Speaking skills are presented through oral works such as acting out a dialogue, role-play, or presentation. The next is reading. Almost all English course books include reading passages. The reason behind this is the belief that reading texts allow students to reflect on how language works, the structure, and the vocabulary. The selection of texts is usually based on an interesting topic for the students, readability, authenticity, presentation, genre, and activities that follow the texts. In practice, reading is usually followed by other skills; listening, speaking, and writing. The last is writing. Most of writing activity starts with controlled or guided writing activities. Controlled writing is when the students rewrite the writing model given; guided writing gives more room for the students to add the model with other information.
c. Methodology. Methodology deals with how material presents the language the students should learn. The materials should give ideas about how language should be learned and taught. Materials should inform what learners' needs they are trying to accomplish. This is usually expressed in the introduction part of a course book or section of the book.
d. Non-linguistic Aspects Non-linguistic aspects in teaching material include topics and subject content and how they are treated. Other aspects are social and cultural values. Topic and subject content are usually evaluated by its variety, level of interest, and relevance with the targeted students. Interesting topics will engage students in the activities, while relevance will motivate the students to learn the materials. A variety of topics will be able to cater to the diversity of students' backgrounds. Social and cultural values deal with the student’s background. This is to select if the targeted students culturally recognize the materials. This usually covers the relevance between the materials and students' age, gender, social class, ethnic origin, or even disability.

Abdullah, Ahmad (2008). 4 Criteria for Selection Instructional Material Definition. Retrieved from https://www.academia.edu/40501426/4_Criteria_for_selection_of_INSTRUCTIONAL_MATErial_Definition

Brown, H. D. (2007). Principles of Language Learning and Teaching (5th ed). White Plains, NY: Pearson Education.

Soepriyatna. 2019. EFL Curriculum and Materials Development. Tangerang Selatan: Universitas Terbuka

Jawaban 10:

1. There are several things that need to be considered in choosing teaching materials, including:
a. Teaching materials should be in accordance with / support the achievement of instructional objectives, in order to realize the educational function carried out by an institution.
b. Teaching materials should be in accordance with the level of student developmental education in general, because the same topic may vary in depth for different school/class levels.
c. Teaching materials should be organized systematically and continuously. This means that between one material and the next there is a functional relationship, where one material becomes the basis for/related to the next material.
d. Teaching materials should include things that are factual and conceptual. Factual is concrete and easy to remember, whereas conceptual contains abstract concepts, and requires a deeper understanding.

2. The main criteria for selecting teaching materials or learning materials are competency standards and basic competencies. This means that the learning materials chosen to be taught by teachers on the one hand and must be studied by students on the other hand should contain materials or teaching materials that really support the achievement of competency standards and basic competencies. In other words, the selection of teaching materials must refer to or refer to competency standards. After knowing the criteria for selecting teaching materials, we come to the steps for selecting teaching materials. Broadly speaking, the steps for selecting teaching materials include first identifying the aspects contained in the competency standards and basic competencies that become the reference or reference for the selection of teaching materials. The next step is to identify the types of teaching materials. The third step is to choose teaching materials that are appropriate or relevant to the competency standards and basic competencies that have been identified earlier. The last is choosing the source of teaching materials.

3. Aspects, such as language components, skills, methodologies, and non-linguistic aspects (age, emotional development, ability level, learning style, and students' social development) in choosing teaching materials as mentioned above are related to the process of selecting teaching materials. In determining the scope or scope of learning material, it must be considered whether the material is in the form of cognitive aspects (facts, concepts, principles, procedures) affective aspects, or psychomotor aspects, because later if they are brought to class, each type of material requires strategies and learning media. different ones. In addition to paying attention to the types of learning materials, they must also pay attention to the principles that need to be used in determining the scope of learning materials regarding the breadth and depth of the material. The breadth of material coverage means describing how much material is included in a learning material, while the depth of material concerns how detailed the concepts contained in it must be learned/mastered by students. Furthermore, the principle of adequacy or the adequacy of material coverage also needs to be considered, because whether the material aspects of a learning material will be very helpful in achieving the mastery of the basic competencies that have been determined.
Thank you,

References :
- Soepriyatna. 2019. EFL Curriculum and Materials Development. Tangerang Selatan: Universitas Terbuka

Jawaban 11:

Choosing the materials for teaching activities is an important point when carrying out learning activities. this must be prepared before the activity takes place so that the learning process in the classroom can run smoothly in accordance with the learning objectives that have been set.
1. How to select appropriate instructional materials
How you select instructional materials can be as important as what materials are selected. we were able to select the materials that would help us improve our instruction. The selection process helped us identify what we really needed to change in the classroom and motivated us to make the right choice to achieve those goals.
Imran Syaeful (2014), criteria for selecting quality learning resources:
a. Economical, which means that learning resources do not have to be expensive. Learning resources need to be adjusted to the allocation of funds and the needs of the learning resources to be used.
b. Practical and simple, learning resources should be easy to use and not confusing. No need for additional services or other tools that are difficult to provide.
c. Easy to obtain, that learning resources are easy to find and obtain. If necessary, they can take advantage of the available surrounding environment so that students can also easily take advantage of it
d. Flexible or compatible, learning resources do not have to be tied to one particular goal or learning material. It would be better if it could be used for various learning purposes and even for other purposes.
2. Guidelines and criteria for selecting instructional materials
In selecting instructional materials, the following criteria should be considered:
a. instructional materials based on the planned goals and objectives
b. the material is in accordance with the syllabus that has been designed
c. Is appropriate for the age, emotional and social development, and ability level of the students for whom the materials are selected.
d. Is diverse with respect to levels of difficulty, reader appeal, and should present a variety of points of view.
e. Meets high standards of quality in factual content and presentation.
f. Fosters respect for cultural diversity.
g. Encourages students to utilize higher order thinking skills, to exercise freedom of thought, and to make independent judgments through examination and evaluation of relevant information, evidence and differing viewpoints.
3. Aspects, such as language components, skills, methodology, and non-linguistic aspects (age, emotional development, ability level, learning styles, and social development of the students) in selecting instructional materials.
Instructional materials should be appropriate for the age, emotional and social development, and ability level of the students for whom the materials are selected. Instructional materials should be diverse with respect to levels of difficulty, reader appeal, and should present a variety of points of view.

Jawaban 12:

The selection of materials allows syllabus developers to decide on the most suitable materials for teaching activities (Soepriyatna, 2019). Soepriyatna (2019) also stated in selecting the material involves the process of matching the identified characteristics of the specific learning activities required and the teaching situation. According to Soepriyatna (2019), teaching materials from existing sources need to be developed or selected before being applied in the classroom. To select the appropriate instructional materials focused on the content (what to teach), methodology (how to teach), and non-linguistic aspects (Soepriyatna, 2019). 

In selecting appropriate material, it must be related to the goals and needs of students, learning styles, backgrounds and literary culture of students, level of language proficiency, language teaching methods, even class context and material potential. to generate motivation and interest (Gailea et al, 2018).

According to Tomlinson in Rochmawati and Ahmadi (2017) the basic principles in selecting and developing materials for language teaching are:
1. Materials must accept impact
2. The material should help students to feel comfortable
3. The material should help students to develop self-confidence
4. What is taught must be perceived by students as relevant and useful
5. Materials must require and facilitate learners to invest themselves
6. Learners must be ready to get the points taught
7. The material should provide opportunities for learners to use the target language to achieve communicative goals
8. The material should take into account that the positive effect of the interaction is usually delayed
9. The material must consider that students have different learning styles
10. The material must take into account that students differ in their effective attitude
11. The material must allow a period of silence at the beginning of the interaction
12. Materials should not rely too much on controlled practice
13. Materials should provide opportunities for feedback on results

Criteria or aspects in selecting instructional materials based on Soepriyatna (2019) as follows:
- Language Content,
It focuses on language forms and skills. In language form the teachers must consider what to teach in grammar and vocabulary. Language skill involves listening, reading, speaking, and writing.
- Methodology,
This means that the material should provide an idea of how language should be learned and taught. The material must inform the needs of the students that they want to achieve.
- Non-linguistic aspects.
This includes the topics and content of the subjects and how they are treated, as well as other non-linguistic aspects of social and cultural values and relevance with their real life.


Gailea. N, Syafrizal, Indasari. I. 2018. Materials Selection in Teaching English Skills for Teachers of Senior High School in Serang City. Retrieved on https://jurnal.untirta.ac.id/index.php/JELTS/article/download/7736/5230

Rochmahwati. P & Ahmadi. 2017. English Curriculum and Material Development. Ponorogo: STAIN Po PRESS

Soepriyatna. 2019. EFL Curriculum and Materials Development. Tangerang Selatan, Banten: Universitas Terbuka

Jawaban 13:

Materials or subject matter used by teachers and students to aid in the learning process are known as teaching materials. Teaching materials are a collection of learning tools, or tools that contain learning tools, procedures, constraints, and evaluation techniques, that are organized and appealingly structured to produce the desired outcomes. In addition, teaching materials can be defined as any type of content that is systematically organized, enables students to learn on their own, and is created in accordance with the relevant curriculum. With the use of teaching materials, the instructor will be more consistent in imparting the knowledge to the class and achieving the required abilities.

1. It is crucial for the teacher to comprehend the fundamental criteria for the selection of teaching materials after having a comprehension of the instructional materials.

1.     Relevance Factor. First, relevance is frequently seen as a related concept. We make every effort to link the achievement of competencies and fundamental competencies at certain levels to the selection of teaching materials.

2.     Continuity factor. The fundamental skills that students must learn and master must correspond to what is stated in the instructional materials. Do not even allow subtopics that are not necessary to cover in the lesson plan to be included. This will lead to uncertainty in the teaching materials, making it harder for students to understand instead of easier. Pay attention to the kind of visualization that is employed as well. Is it appropriate or does it even go against the intended lesson plan's theme?

3.     Aspect of Adequacy. In order for pupils to develop and investigate the teachings being studied, this part mandates that instructional materials just need to transmit the points, not the whole content.

2. Students must get high-quality teaching materials, which must meet certain criteria. Because students employ excellent teaching resources, quality teaching materials can result in quality pupils. 

·       A body figure of competence or sub-competency that is pertinent to the graduate's ability profile must be included in the topic being presented.

·       The topics discussed need to be accurate, comprehensive, and real; they need to cover notions of facts, procedures, words, and notations; and they need to be organized according to a hierarchy or stage of competency mastery.

·       The level of readability must be in line with the reader's level of learning ability, both in terms of linguistic complexity and content.

·       The systematic creation of teaching materials must be concise, logical, thorough, and simple to comprehend.

3. for practical purposes, the selection process in this module will focus on the content, methodology and non-linguistic aspects.

·       Content. Language content will focus on language forms and skills. In teaching language, what to teach always includes grammar, and vocabulary. Language skills focus of selection is always on the adequacy of presenting the four-language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

·       Methodology. This means that the materials should give ideas how the language should be learned and taught. Materials should inform what learners' needs they are trying to accomplish.

·       Non-linguistic aspects. In this part, material includes topics and subject content and how they are treated. Other aspects are social and cultural value.

Soepriyatna. 2019. EFL Curriculum and Materials Development. Tangerang Selatan, Banten: Universitas Terbuka

Jawaban 14:

There are many reasons why English language teachers may choose to construct their own teaching materials, despite the availability of commercially produced materials. This paper presents some of these reasons by examining advantages and disadvantages of teacher-produced materials. The authors also suggest factors that teachers should take into account when designing or adapting materials for diverse learners, and present a set of guidelines for designing effective materials for teaching and learning English.

Factors to Consider When Designing Materials We turn now to consider six key factors that teachers need to take into account when embarking on the design of teaching materials for their learners. These relate to, and refer back to some of the advantages and disadvantages. Some will also be expanded further in the guidelines which follow:
1. The first and most important factor to be considered is the learners. If the point of teacher-created materials is relevance, interest, motivation and meeting specific individual needs, then clearly teachers must ensure they know their learners well. Any consideration of syllabus or materials design must begin with a needs analysis.
2. The curriculum and the context are variables that will significantly impact on decisions about teaching materials. Many teachers are bound by a mandated curriculum defining the content, skills and values to be taught.
3. The resources and facilities available to the teacher-designer are also mentioned above as an element of context. Clearly teachers must be realistic about what they can achieve in terms of materials design and production within the limitations of available resources and facilities.
4. Personal confidence and competence are factors that will determine an individual teacher’s willingness to embark on materials development. This will be influenced by the teacher’s level of teaching experience and his or her perceived creativity or artistic skills and overall understanding of the principles of materials design and production.
5. A less exciting, but nevertheless important factor to consider in designing materials is copyright compliance. Teachers need to be aware of the restrictions that copyright laws place on the copying of authentic materials, published materials and materials downloaded from the Internet for use in the classroom.
6. Time was discussed earlier as a disadvantage for teachers who wish to design their own materials. It is thus, important to consider ways to make this aspect manageable.

Guidelines for Designing Effective English Teaching Materials:
Guideline 1: English language teaching materials should be contextualised Firstly, the materials should be contextualised to the curriculum they are intended to address (Nunan, 1988, pp. 1–2). It is essential during the design stages that the objectives of the curriculum, syllabus or scheme within the designer’s institution are kept to the fore. This is not to suggest that materials design should be solely determined by a list of course specifications or by large inventories of vocabulary that need to be imparted, but these are certainly among the initial considerations.
Guideline 2: Materials should stimulate interaction and be generative in terms of language Hall (1995) states that “most people who learn to communicate fluently in a language which is not their L1 do so by spending a lot of time in situations where they have to use the language for some real communicative purpose” (p. 9). Ideally, language-teaching materials should provide situations that demand the same; situations where learners need to interact with each other regularly in a manner that reflects the type of interactions they will engage in outside of the classroom.
Guideline 3: English language teaching materials should encourage learners to develop learning skills and strategies It is impossible for teachers to teach their learners all the language they need to know in the short time that they are in the classroom. In addition to teaching valuable new language skills, it is essential that language teaching materials also teach their target learners how to learn, and that they help them to take advantage of language learning opportunities outside the classroom. Hall (1995) stresses the importance of providing learners with the confidence to persist in their classroom.
Guideline 4: English language teaching materials should allow for a focus on form as well as fuction.
Guideline 5: English language teaching materials should offer opportunities for integrated language use Language teaching materials can tend to focus on one particular skill in a somewhat unnatural manner. Some courses have a major focus on productive skills, and in these reading and listening become second-rate skills.
Guideline 6: English language teaching materials should be authentic Much space has been devoted in language teaching literature to debating the desirability (and otherwise) of using authentic materials in language teaching classrooms and, indeed, to defining exactly what constitutes genuine versus simulated texts (e.g., Harmer, 1998; Hedge, 2000; Nunan, 1988, 1991).
Guideline 7: English language teaching materials should link to each other to develop a progression of skills, understandings and language items One potential pitfall for teacher-designed materials mentioned in the first part of this article relates to the organisation within and between individual tasks.
Guideline 8: English language teaching materials should be attractive Criteria for evaluating English language teaching materials and course books frequently include reference to the ‘look’ and the ‘feel’ of the product (see, for example, Harmer, 1998; Nunan, 1991). Some aspects of these criteria that are particularly pertinent to materials designers are discussed below.
Guideline 9: English language teaching materials should have appropriate instructions This guideline applies as much to the instructions.
Guideline 10: English language teaching materials should be flexible This final guideline is directed primarily at longer series of materials rather than at one-off tasks, but has pertinence to both.

Teachers must weigh up the benefits and costs of designing their own teaching materials and make their own decision as to whether it is worth the time and effort.

Jawaban 15:

1. How to select appropriate instructional materials
There are ways to select the most appropriate instructional materials, such as:
1) By focusing the materials that can bring encouragement & being able to serve the learners’ various interest, abilities, learning styles, and maturity.
2) By taking various slides of controversial issues to develop and practice critical thinking.
3) Taking materials that stimulate factual knowledge, literary appreciation, aesthetics values and societal standards.
4) By placing the principles above personal opinion and reason above prejudice in selecting materials to assure the comprehensive collection is appropriate.

2. Guidelines and criteria for selecting instructional materials
There are 3 focus of material selection:
1) Content;
• Language Forms: Grammar and Vocabulary items that are included in the materials
• Language Skills: the focus of the selection is always on the adequacy of presenting the 4 language skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing) and the suitable balance of those skills.
2) Methodology;
• Materials should cover what students need to learn
• Materials should provide how language is taught and learnt
3) Non-Linguistics Aspects;
• Topics & subject contents: they are usually evaluated by its variety, level if interest, and relevance with the targeted students
• Social & cultural values: they usually cover the relevance between the materials and students’ age, gender, social class, ethnic group, or even disability.

Soepriyatna. 2019. EFL Curriculum and Materials Development. Tangerang Selatan: Universitas Terbuka

Jawaban 16:

Evaluating materials is one of the stages in syllabus design. Analysis of students' situations and needs is the base of conducting the evaluation. Soepriyatna said, " materials evaluation is undertaken to decide if the materials will enable the learners to use it without difficulty and enjoy the experience of using it. (2019, p. 7.4). Additionally, Renandya and Richards in Soepriyatna stated that " they are at least seven things in evaluation tries to measure: the appeal of the materials to the learners, the validity of the materials, the ability of the materials to interest the learners and the teachers, the ability of the materials to motivate the learners, the potential learning value of materials, the assistance given to the teachers in preparation, delivery, assessment and flexibility of materials. (2019, p. 7.4). So, It can be said that selecting appropriate instructional materials is supposed to consider the possibility of the learners using materials without trouble, and learners can also enjoy using them. Additionally, passing at least seven things in measurement, elaborated above, should also be considered.

Developing criteria for evaluating materials is a process. Material evaluation should follow several frameworks to develop the criteria. The frameworks include 1. brainstorming a list of universal criteria of evaluation, 2. subdividing some of the criteria, and 3. monitoring and revising a list of criteria. Later, the list of criteria can be specified into more specific criteria, such as media-specific, content-specific, and local.

The criteria can cover language form, skills, methodology, and non-linguistic aspects. Language form and skills are the main reason why the materials are produced. Grammar, vocabulary that students need to learn, and the four language skills are included to develop. Methodology relates to how the materials are presented and how they can be taught and learned. And last non-linguistic aspects deal with the topic and subject content and the relevance with the social aspects of the students; for instance. the topic material for young learners must be different from young adults. YLs might talk about describing toys, while young adults talk about gadgets, and so on.

Soepriyatna. 2019. EFL Curriculum and Materials Development. Tangerang Selatan: Universitas Terbuka

Jawaban 17:

• How to select appropriate instructional materials?

In the English language arts classroom, instructional resources are crucial because they enable students to engage with words, images, and ideas in ways that advance their proficiency in a variety of literacies, including reading, listening, viewing, thinking, speaking, and using technology. As the main source of information for English language arts teachers, instructional materials must be carefully chosen (NCTE, 2014). Material is anything that is utilized to aid language learners in their learning. Materials can be anything that presents or educates about the language being taught, including a textbook, workbook, cassette, video, photocopied handouts, newspapers, and whiteboard paragraphs. Making adjustments to resources to enhance them or make them better suited for a specific sort of learner.

• Guidelines and criteria for selecting instructional materials.

In selecting instructional materials, the following criteria should be considered

1.     Supports the district's mission and vision, as well as its goals and objectives.

2.     Contributes to the goals of the curricular offering where the resources will be used.

3.     Is appropriate for the pupils' age, emotional and social development, and competence level.

4.     Has a variety of skill levels, reader appeal, and should communicate a variety of points of view.

5.     Exceeds high-quality criteria in factual material and presentation.

6.     Encourages cultural variety.

7.     Encourages students to use higher-order thinking skills, to think freely, and to make independent decisions by examining and evaluating pertinent information, evidence, and opposing viewpoints.

·       Aspects, such as language components, skills, methodology, and non-linguistic aspects (age, emotional development, ability level, learning styles, and social development of the students) in selecting instructional material.

An evaluation focuses on the materials' users and makes judgments about their effects. Any evaluation, no matter how controlled, criterion-referenced, or rigorous it is, will be inherently subjective. An analysis focuses on the materials and seeks to provide an objective analysis of them. It "asks questions about what the resources contain, their goals, and what learners are asked to do." The following principles of second language learning are applicable to the creation of language teaching materials:

1.     Material must have an impact.

2.     Assist students in feeling at ease.

3.     Assist the students in developing confidence.

4.     What is being taught should be viewed as relevant and beneficial by students.

5.     Empowering students to make decisions.

6.     Ensure that the students have opportunities to communicate with one another in the target language.

7.     Assist in the development of cultural awareness and sensitivity in the learner.

Jawaban 18:

·       How to select appropriate instructional materials
A good strategy to approach instructional materials selection is first to determine the goals and objectives of your teaching program and then to analyze the learning/teaching context in which the material will be employed. This will provide you with a profile of the context for which you are picking educational materials, as well as some of the requirements that the resources must fit.

The following step is to create a list of suitable materials based on information from publishers, recommendations from peers, and your own prior experience. These materials should be submitted to an impressionistic appraisal in order to exclude those that are clearly inappropriate.

·       Guidelines and criteria for selecting instructional materials
What students can learn and what teachers should teach are determined by the instructional materials used in classrooms. The selection process for those materials is crucial to providing students and teachers with a solid basis for achievement and successful instruction. Some principles and selection criteria for appropriate instructional materials in language learning courses include: 

o   matching the materials with the aims and objectives of the courses,

o   ensuring that the teaching materials should reflect the uses in the present or future that learners will make of the language and use the language effectively for their own purposes, 

o   taking into account students' requirements as learners and facilitating their learning processes without imposing a rigid 'method' by selecting the items to be learned (grammar, functions, skills, etc), breaking them down into manageable units, and sequencing them in a way which is designed to lead from the familiar to the unfamiliar and from easier to more difficult items in terms of 'learnability'.

o   checking if the materials may be in a distinct position as a learning support. The materials, like teachers, act as a bridge between the target language and the student. The learner is supported by the teaching materials in a variety of ways, but they are beneficial when they provide models of English that can be learned at the student's level of skill. Additionally, they offer activities and exercises aimed at fostering fluency in the use of English, and they frequently provide explanations or examples with context to aid learners in understanding how the language functions. Moreover, they can assist instructors by giving them ready-made presentation material, lesson plans for various subjects, reading texts, hearing passages, dialogues, etc., all of which are meticulously evaluated and come with exercises and class activities.

Although the main objective of instructional materials is to aid in language learning, they cannot stop there because language is used in real life and for actual purposes. Learners would not be prepared to use a language in the real world if they only studied it as an abstract system. Since materials must and do depict language as it is actually used, it is important to consider the age, emotional development, ability level, learning styles, and social development of the students when choosing instructional materials. Other factors to consider when choosing materials include skills, methodology, and non-linguistic factors.


Choosing Your Coursebook Paperback – June 14, 1995, Alan Cunningsworth

Soepriyatna. 2019. EFL Curriculum and Materials Development. Tangerang Selatan: Universitas Terbuka

Jawaban 19:

There are some aspects to be considered before choosing appropriate media.
1.The connection between the media and established educational objectives should be clear.
2. The second consideration is practicality.
3. Media should also relate instructional appropriateness
4. The media should address the needs of the intended students.
5. If the media elicit controversial issues, the media should maintain balanced points of view.

To select appropriate media, there are some aspects to be considered. They are:
1. Clear objectives.
2. Students’ needs.
3. interests and abilities.
4. social values.
5. the competence of the authors and producers.
6. content
Thank you,

Soepriyatna. 2019. EFL Curriculum and Materials Development. Tangerang Selatan: Universitas Terbuka

Jawaban 20:

As a teacher, we need to select instructional materials to guarantee that the materials are suitable for the learning activities and the assessment planned. To select appropriate instructional materials, the teachers need to match the specific learning activity that is required and the educational environment's defined characteristics. To help the students with the appropriate instructional materials, the teacher also needs to achieve the learning objectives.

For practical purposes, there are some criteria to select the instructional materials which focus on the content. They are:

1.  Language content which focuses on language forms and skills.
Language forms deal with grammar and vocabulary. Asking what grammar items are included in the materials is an easy way to select grammar items. Whereas, to determine what vocabulary should be included in the teaching materials, the teacher can pay attention to the frequency and the usefulness of the vocabulary to be included in the materials.
The focus of language skills is on how well the four language skills—listening, speaking, reading, and writing—are presented and how well the skills are balanced. Listening skill are presented as supporting skills for oral works and as listening itself. Speaking abilities are emphasized in the materials as oral works that are realized as discussion topics or as prompts that encourage students to create oral works. Reading text is selected based on interesting topics for the students, readability, authenticity, its presentation, genre, and activities that follow the texts. Then, most writing activities begin with controlled or guided writing activities.

2. Methodology. The method used to present the language that pupils should acquire is referred to as methodology. Materials ought to offer suggestions for how language should be taught and learned. According to Cunningsworth (1995), the needs of the learner, overarching concepts, teaching and learning procedures, the role of the student, and study techniques are all topics covered under methodology.

3. Non-linguistic aspect includes topics and subject content and how they are treated. An interesting and relevant topic and subject content will make the students engage and improve the student's motivation in the learning process.
The instructional materials should be pertinent to the student's social and cultural values as well as their background. The teacher must ensure that the intended students can identify the information on a cultural level. The course materials should be appropriate for the student's age, gender, ethnicity, social status, and even handicap.

Soepriyatna. 2019. EFL Curriculum and Materials Development. Tangerang Selatan: Universitas Terbuka

Jawaban 21:

Selecting materials involves the process of matching the identified features of the required particular learning activities and the teaching situation. The learning materials taken from the existing resources need to be developed or selected before implementing it in the classroom. Material evaluation means evaluation process of teaching materials including learning media that may take from books, other printed aslike news paper, food label, flayers, poster. According to renandya in soepriyatna (2019) there are at least seven things the evaluation try to measure: the appeal of the material to the learner, the validity of material, the ablility of materials to interest the learners, the potential learning value of the material, delivery, assessment, flexibility of the materials.

The criteria are then used to develop the instrument of evaluation. 1. brainstorming a list of universal criteria of evaluation, 2. subdividing some of the criteria, and 3. monitoring and revising a list of criteria.
Aspects, such as language components, skills, methodology, and non-linguistic aspects (age, emotional development, ability level, learning styles, and social development of the students) in selecting instructional materials.

Language content: in teaching language what to teach always include grammar, and vocab including presenting four language skills : listening, speaking, reading, writing.

Methodology : that the material should give ideas how language should be learnt and taught.

Non-linguistic aspects : in teaching material include topics, subject content and how they are treated. Other aspect are social and cultural values.

Soepriyatna. 2019. EFL Curriculum and Materials Development. Tangerang Selatan: Universitas Terbuka

Jawaban 22:

There are some purposes why teachers need to select the material appropriately
first, to guarantee the materials selected can gain students' encouragement, interest, maturity, learning styles, and abilities.
second, to provide materials that can stimulate students' factual knowledge, appreciation, literary, and societal standards.
third, to provide materials that can develop and practice students' critical thinking.
next, to provide materials that represent the diversity of many religions, ethnic, and cultures.
last, to place the principle above personal opinion and reason above prejudice.

there are some guidelines for selecting instructional materials
teachers need to ensure that the material selected has met the learning activities and assessment planned in the course. furthermore, teachers also need to develop or select before implementing it in the course.

Practically purposes, this selection procedure will concentrate on the content, methodology, and non - linguistic components. Language content will concentrate on language forms and skills, methods of what students should learn, and non-linguistic factors on the subject matter, social values, and non-linguistic aspects of the issue.

Jawaban 23:

1. How to select appropriate instructional materials a. Relevance means relatedness. Learning materials should be relevant or related or related to the achievement of competency standards and basic competencies. b. Consistency. If the basic competencies that must be mastered by students are four kinds, then the teaching materials that must be taught must also include four kinds. c. Sufficiency means that the material taught should be adequate in helping students master the basic competencies being taught. The material should not be too little, and not too much. 2. Guidelines and criteria for selecting instructional materials Teaching materials should be in accordance with the learning objectives, students’ needs, factual presentation, Describe the background and atmosphere experienced by students, easy and economical to use, match the learning style of students 3. Aspects, such as language components, skills, methodology, and non-linguistic aspects (age, emotional development, ability level, learning styles, and social development of the students) in selecting instructional materials. Language components, in teaching language forms include grammar and vocabulary. Grammar: Grammar is language content that is always found in any language teaching materials. The simple way of selecting grammar items by asking what grammar items are included in the materials. And: then vocabulary is often neglected as it is often embedded to other teaching items. In addition, it is not easy to select what vocabulary should be included in teaching materials. Methodology Methodology deals with how material present the language the student should learn. This means that the materials should give ideas how language should be learnt and taught. Aspects discussed under methodology are learners' need, guiding principles, procedures for learning and teaching, students' role, and study skills. Non-linguistic Non-linguistic aspects in teaching material include topics and subject content and how they are treated. Other subjects are social and cultural values. Topic and subject content are usually evaluated by its variety, level of interest, and relevance with the targeted students. Social and cultural values usually covers the relevance between the materials and students age,gender,social class,ethnic,or even disability. Soepriyatna. 2017. Buku Materi Pokok MPBI5204. EFL Curriculum and Material Development. Tangerang Selatan. Universitas Terbuka.

Jawaban 24:

1. How to select appropriate instructional materials a. Relevance means relatedness. Learning materials should be relevant or related or related to the achievement of competency standards and basic competencies. b. Consistency. If the basic competencies that must be mastered by students are four kinds, then the teaching materials that must be taught must also include four kinds. c. Sufficiency means that the material taught should be adequate in helping students master the basic competencies being taught. The material should not be too little, and not too much. 2. Guidelines and criteria for selecting instructional materials Teaching materials should be in accordance with the learning objectives, students’ needs, factual presentation, Describe the background and atmosphere experienced by students, easy and economical to use, match the learning style of students 3. Aspects, such as language components, skills, methodology, and non-linguistic aspects (age, emotional development, ability level, learning styles, and social development of the students) in selecting instructional materials. Language components, in teaching language forms include grammar and vocabulary. Grammar: Grammar is language content that is always found in any language teaching materials. The simple way of selecting grammar items by asking what grammar items are included in the materials. And: then vocabulary is often neglected as it is often embedded to other teaching items. In addition, it is not easy to select what vocabulary should be included in teaching materials. Methodology Methodology deals with how material present the language the student should learn. This means that the materials should give ideas how language should be learnt and taught. Aspects discussed under methodology are learners' need, guiding principles, procedures for learning and teaching, students' role, and study skills. Non-linguistic Non-linguistic aspects in teaching material include topics and subject content and how they are treated. Other subjects are social and cultural values. Topic and subject content are usually evaluated by its variety, level of interest, and relevance with the targeted students. Social and cultural values usually covers the relevance between the materials and students age,gender,social class,ethnic,or even disability. Soepriyatna. 2017. Buku Materi Pokok MPBI5204. EFL Curriculum and Material Development. Tangerang Selatan. Universitas Terbuka.

Jawaban 25:

Please discuss:
• How to select appropriate instructional materials
Designing a course syllabus can not be separated from selecting teaching materials because it plays a very important role in a learning process. In order to make a favorable learning condition, a particular learning activity with its learning objectives must fulfill students’ need with appropriate teaching materials.
Selecting materials can be conducted by:
- Fulfilling students’ need and learning activity
- Having a well-prepared assessment;
- Encouraging various interests, abilities, learning styles, and maturity
- Stimulating factual knowledge, literacy appreciation,aesthetic values and societal standards;
- Providing materials that represent all religious, ethnics, cultures;
- Providing materials that anticipate controversial issues;
- Providing materials that help student develop and practice their practical thinking

• Guidelines and criteria for selecting instructional materials
The guidelines and criteria for selecting are mostly about academic, pedagogic competences, and non linguistics aspects. Academic competence refers to content (language forms and skills). Pedagogic competence refers to how to teach based on proper methodology, and non linguistic aspects that focus on topic, lesson, and social values.
So, Content, methodology and non-linguistic aspects can be practical criteria in selecting instructional materials.

• Aspects, such as language components, skills, methodology, and non-linguistic aspects (age, emotional development, ability level, learning styles, and social development of the students) in selecting instructional materials.
- Language component refers to grammar, vocabularies, pronunciation. Language learners must have mastery learning on this component because vocabularies can help students speak and write, and get receptive skills.
- Language skills : listening, reading, speaking and writing must be owned by all language learners in order to have a good ability and qualified learners of english.
- Methodology refers to the ways how to teach, so teachers must have pedagogic competence by mastering many learning models (approach, procedure, and method of teaching) for english in order to facilitate students to have favorable learning condition.
- Non linguistic aspect: topic, subject content, and social value. These aspects must be considered as important thing in selecting materials.
- Ability level, learning style and social development of the students are different so teachers should treat them properly, fairly without giving any burden or psychological barriers that influence their learning activities.
Topic, subject content and social value should relevant with students’ need, students’ age, psychological development in order to keep up-to-date learning materials for giving contribution to natural heritage, social life, and global communities.

Soepriyatna.2019. EFL Curriculum and Material Development.Tangerang Selatan. Universitas Terbuka

Jawaban 26:

Matching the aims and goals of the lesson with the right instructional materials is essential. The teacher can follow the guidelines and criteria for selecting materials. They are:
1. Evaluate the material
To find the best material, the teacher or syllabus designer should consider the following items:
- The materials match the goals and objectives.
- It provides all the student's need
- The materials will train well
- The materials are suitable for the students’ levels, etc.
2. Adapting certain materials
To get better materials, we need to adapt the material from many sources. Brown (Soepriyatna, 2019) Adapting material is using what is valuable in existing materials, while adapting it to the need, or changing needs, of the program.
Developing the materials
After evaluating and adapting certain materials, we need to formulate the material in a good sequence from the beginning until the end. It aims to make the material easy to use and fulfill the goals and objectives of the program.
It is very important to consider the aspects of language components, skills, methodology, and non-linguistic aspects in selecting material. The language components that we must consider its grammar and words. The skills that will be taught also become the consideration such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Methodology related to what students need to learn and how to teach the language. Non-linguistic aspects related to topic, subject content and social values.