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Diskusi 1 Critical Reading and Writing

Diskusi 1:

Think back to your past experiences during your undergraduate study and until now.

Why do you participate in this English Education postgraduate study program?

What are your main objectives?

What are they for?

Jawaban 1:

Taking undergraduate education in the English Language Study Program, is my first step in learning to understand many thing about the rules that I must know when I will teach to my students later. For example in terms of vocabulary, grammatical, reading and listening comprehension, etc. Talking about why I continued my education at postgraduate, especially in English Language Study Program, was to continue this education hopefully that it would be enriched by the knowledge that was previously lacking, more understanding with the parts that were very necessary in learning English.

Jawaban 2:

I do participate in English Education postgraduate is to evolve my skill in teaching, communicating with the students, and others in learning prosses, and develop my ability in English language.
My main objective is to develop and grow my ability in teaching and learning language. it uses to help me socialize in public and develop my skills in real life.

Jawaban 3:

All these questions underpin the most benefits of majoring in the subsequent level mastery of the English education. Basically, there are several considerable reasons why I personally need to engage in this English Education postgraduate.
1. This will boost my chance of implementing and qualifying the teaching-learning process I have been conducting at school in line with the most recent demand of developing technological advances and a very dynamic education field across the world. Moreover, it will help me learn and renew our teaching English to the utmost and acclimatize to the newest way of life about the ideal and impactful conduct of teaching English at school.
2. Rich global perspective and practices based competence of the required courses in this English Education postgraduate may likey to support and to shape the teacher's mindset along with the demand of national education objectives covering knowledge and skill mastery as well as character building as the main target achievement.
3. There will be endless opportunities for exploring and developing various kinds of initiatives, motivation, and practical knowledge in various academic activities such as discussion, scientific knowledge, research paper exposure, and so on by engaging in the use of oral and written English to the utmost with the experts and peers.
Then, my main objectives are primarily to explore, develop, and practise ideal and impactful English teaching in all aspects comprising planning, organizing, actuating, and evaluating for the occasion of optimizing the process and result of English education at school. Surely, this eventually gives impacts of the rising number of qualified prospective school outcomes in terms of knowledge and skill elevation that will lead students to the most preparedness competition and character bulding enrichment.

Jawaban 4:

I though that when I was undergraduate study I felt no more knowladge I had gotten. well I decide to continuou my learning english in postgraduate. I wanna improve my english teaching skill and I need new concept more to teach my students. not only that but also everything will be eazy if we have postgraduate certificates.

Jawaban 5:

I am interested in participating in a postgraduate study program to improve my English language skills, which I think my level of English skill is still far from the good category. Where this will have an impact on my duties and obligations, namely an educator who will later provide knowledge of English to students in my school environment.
My own goal is to gain as much knowledge as possible at a higher level, so that they can become human resources who are ready to compete in this modern era of technology.
I do this for myself who must always be ready to be a true learner and to impart my skills and abilities to my students in my school and my work environment. And it becomes my motivation to keep learning and learning, thank you.

Jawaban 6:

Thinking back about my undergraduate study in Faculty of Letters and traying to relate with my previous profession as an English teacher, I completely realize that I really need to learn about English Education in terms of pedagogical methods, language teaching methods, and all methods related to the enhancing students to the language taught.

It is so important  for teachers to learn more to upgrade their knowledge and skills because educators should always be aware of the development of science, including in teaching approaches, research demands, the English language itself, and so on. More over, with the fact that we are now having millennial students with their super English skills, there has been a great demand to upgrade English teaching ability. By participating in this English Education study program, I expect to broaden my knowledge and sharpen my skills in teaching English.  

I also realize that students presently have a great potential capability in English starting from their early stage and it means that they own the same strength to use English to add their professional values when their graduate. For that reason, it is so much important for teacher to keep developing the skills and knowledge.

Jawaban 7:

Firstly, I do participate in this English Education Postgraduate Study Program because I have a passion for my subject. Then, I undertake the program in Open University because it offers flexible part-time study in accordance with my own convinience. Here, I am able to study without leaving my daily activities as a teacher.

Actually, the main purpose why I take this program is that my dream jobs (professional teacher and writer) require a postgraduate qualification. By pursuing this study will be able to improve my career prospects.

Besides, I have supporting reasons as follows.
* Studying at postgraduate program can be great fun (apart from its stresses) and provide me a new challenge. I will spend my time working on subjects which are needed deeper thought process.
* I would like to develop or improve personal skills (like communication skill, problem solving skill, critical thinking and writing skills, etc) at postgraduate level.
* I really want a title written after my name. I imagine it will so nice to be able to say 'Mutmainah, M. Pd'. It will likely leave me feeling much more confident.

Jawaban 8:

When I got my bachelor's degree,I felt satisfied with it, since I able to be the English teacher as well.Days,months and years passed by.I began to feel my English skills needed to be level up and sharpen to make me deal with the race to the employment.As a English's teacher we do need to improve our English skills and never stop to learn.Our students deserve to get knowledge from the expert and in this case we are the person ,at least according to their thought.So we have to keep such a trust and take this responsibility by upskilling our skills.And this is the one of the reasons why I take this program.The last but not the least and to be honest,having a postgraduate's degree under our belt will catch more attentions and will improve our job prospects.Based on the research conducts by Higher Education Policy Institute in 2020 found that the postgraduate's pocket 18% more than bachelor's degree holders six months after the graduation,it is so tempting,is'n it???